Digital subsurface database of elevation point data and structure contour maps of multiple subsurface units, Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, USA recent views
Department of the Interior —
This digital data release presents subsurface data from multiple geologic units that were part of a previous study of the regional subsurface structural configuration... -
Collection of digital structure contour maps from previously published USGS studies recent views
Department of the Interior —
Under the direction and funding of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) with guidance and encouragement from the United States Geological Survey... -
Generalized thickness of the Minnelusa Formation, Black Hills, South Dakota. recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set is a polygon coverage created in ARC/INFO that represents the generalized thickness of the Minnelusa Formation, Black Hills, South Dakota. The thickness... -
Digital database of a 3D Geological Model of the Powder River Basin and Williston Basin Regions, USA recent views
Department of the Interior —
This digital GIS dataset and accompanying nonspatial files synthesize model outputs from a regional-scale volumetric 3-D geologic model that portrays the generalized... -
Wells used in the creation of potentiometric surface contours for the Inyan Kara, Minnekahta, Minnelusa, Madison, and Deadwood Aquifers in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset describes wells completed in the Minnelusa Formation that were used to create a potentiometric surface for the Minnellusa aquifer. -
Potentiometric surface contours for the Minnelusa aquifer, Black Hills area, South Dakota recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set represents potentiometric surface contours for the Minnelusa aquifer, Black Hills, South Dakota. -
Selected wells and test holes used in structure-contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Limestone, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Limestone, and Deadwood Formation in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset describes wells and test holes completed in the Minnelusa Formation that were used to create the structure-contours for the top of the Minnelusa... -
Geologic structure-contours for the top of the Minnelusa Formation in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set represents geologic structure contours for the Minnelusa Formation, Black Hills, South Dakota. -
Depth to top of the Minnelusa Formation recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set is a polygon coverage created in ARC/INFO that represents the depth to the top of the Minnelusa Formation below the land surface, Black Hills, South... -
Digital subsurface database of previously published well tops, structural features, and contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Formation, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Group, and Deadwood Formation, Black Hills region, South Dakota and Wyoming recent views
Department of the Interior —
This digital data release presents multiple previously published elements of the structural configuration of the Black Hills regional subsurface. The original data... -
Overlying surficial deposits and absent areas for the Minnelusa Formation in the Black Hills area, South Dakota recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set describes areas where the Minnelusa Formation is directly overlain by surficial deposits, as well as those areas where the Minnelusa Formation is absent... -
Digital database of a 3D Geological Model of western South Dakota recent views
Department of the Interior —
This digital GIS dataset and accompanying nonspatial files synthesize the model outputs from a regional-scale volumetric 3-D geologic model that portrays the... -
Data Release - Digital subsurface data from previously published contoured maps of the tops of the Mowry Shale, Morrison Formation, and Minnelusa Formation, Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana recent views
Department of the Interior —
This digital data release contains previously published contours on the tops of the Mowry Shale, Morrison Formation, and Minnelusa Formation. The maps are from a...