Collection National Court Remands Data Collection recent views
Social Security Administration —
These quarterly reports show the number of receipts, dispositions and pending Court Remands (CRs) during the defined period. The data shown is by month with quarterly... -
Collection Hearing Office Average Processing Time Ranking Report Data Collection recent views
Social Security Administration —
A ranking of the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) hearing offices by the average number of days until final disposition of the hearing request. The average shown... -
Collection Video Hearing (VH) Opt-Out Numbers and Rates for Hearing Requests Received Data Collection recent views
Social Security Administration —
This dataset contains counts of hearing request receipts in the months shown and objections to appearing at the hearing by video teleconferencing (VTC) known as “opt... -
Collection National New Court Cases Data Collection recent views
Social Security Administration —
These quarterly reports show the number of receipts, dispositions and pending New Court Cases (NCCs) during the defined period. The data shown is by month with...