NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Power et al. 2008 Global Charcoal Database recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for... -
Faults of the Caribbean Region (flt6bg) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset describes faults and structural features of the Caribbean region (Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin... -
Regional and Teleseismic Observations for Finite-Fault Product recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release complements the following publication: Goldberg, D. E., P. Koch, D. Melgar, S. Riquelme, and W. L. Yeck (2022). Beyond the Teleseism: Introducing... -
Haiti Cover Crop Study Les Cayes 2018 - Eggplant Fruit Harvest Dataset recent views
US Agency for International Development —
This dataset captures fruit number and weight data for eggplant that were harvested in plots. It contains 256 rows and 8 columns. This experiment looked at different... -
Haiti Cover Crop Study Les Cayes 2018 recent views
US Agency for International Development —
This experiment looked at different cover crop performance grown in Les Cayes, Haiti and the subsequent crop of eggplant that was grown after the cover crop was... -
Mineral facilities of Latin America and the Caribbean recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset presents information about facilities relating to the mineral industries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Facilities include mines, mineral processing... -
Mangrove Monitoring Data: Mangroves of Bajo Yuna and Los Corozos - Samana Bay - Dominican Republic 2017 recent views
US Agency for International Development —
This data set contains biological information from important coastal mangrove areas situated at the border of, or near the targeted seascapes of the Caribbean Marine... -
Surface Geology of the Caribbean Region (geo6bg) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset includes polygons that describe the geologic age of surface outcrops of bedrock of the Caribbean region (Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas,... -
Maternal and Child Survival Program: Uterotonics & Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage, Post-Delivery Client Interviews, Haiti (2018) recent views
US Agency for International Development —
The aim of this study was to generate data on feasibility, acceptability, and small scale effectiveness in Haiti and to inform Ministry of Health policy on the... -
Yale stocks and flows database (YSTAFDB) describing anthropogenic materials cycles, recycling, and criticality for 102 materials on spatial scales ranging from suburbs to global and timescales from the early 1800s to circa 2013 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release presents the Yale stocks and flows database (YSTAFDB). Its data describe the use of 102 materials from the early 1800s to circa 2013 through... -
The AmericasBarometer by the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP)-Haiti, 2006 recent views
US Agency for International Development —
The Latin America Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) implemented this survey in Haiti as part of its 2006 round of surveys. The 2006 survey was conducted by Borge y... -
The AmericasBarometer by the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP)-Haiti, 2008 - Data recent views
US Agency for International Development —
The Latin America Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) implemented this survey in Haiti as part of its 2008 of round surveys. The 2008 survey was conducted by Vanderbilt... -
The AmericasBarometer by the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP)-Haiti, 2012 recent views
US Agency for International Development —
The Latin America Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) implemented this survey in Haiti as part of its 2012 of round surveys. The 2012 survey was conducted by Vanderbilt... -
Haiti Sorghum Intercropping Sugarcane Aphid Study 2018-2019 - Natural Enemies Dataset recent views
US Agency for International Development —
This dataset captures data on natural enemies of aphids, Lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and ladybeetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellid), collected in intercropped... -
Haiti In Vitro Banana Evaluation to Light 2018 - Dataset recent views
US Agency for International Development —
The data set represents evaluations of stomata number and size and leaf anatomy parameters. It contains 30 rows and 15 columns. The in vitro plants were grown in a... -
Mangrove Monitoring Density Data: Mangroves of Protected Area of Three Bays, Haiti recent views
US Agency for International Development —
This data set contains biological information from important coastal mangrove areas situated at the border of, or near the targeted seascapes of the Caribbean Marine... -
Geologic Provinces of the Caribbean Region, 2004 (prv6bg) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset includes a modified subset of polygon features that describe U.S. Geological Survey's defined geologic provinces of the World. Each province has a set of... -
Let's Learn to Read and Write Haiti recent views
US Agency for International Development —
The USAID-funded project, Let’s Learn to Read and Write, rendered in Haitian Creole as “An n aprann li ak ekri (Ann ALE), is a four-year early grade reading and... -
Mass-wasting triggered by the 2010 Haiti earthquake recent views
Department of the Interior —
This inventory was originally created by Gorum and others (2013) describing the landslides triggered by the M 7.0 Haiti earthquake that occurred on 12 January 2010 at... -
The AmericasBarometer by the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP)-Haiti, 2008 recent views
US Agency for International Development —
The Latin America Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) implemented this survey in Haiti as part of its 2008 of round surveys. The 2008 survey was conducted by Vanderbilt...