Aerial imagery analysis and topographic change detection (digital surface models), field observations and topographic change (terrestrial lidar surveys), and 4-minute wind speed record data for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data were compiled for assessing how geomorphic changes measured as topographic differences from repeat surveys represent measured and modelled estimates of... -
Lidar point cloud data for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data were compiled for assessing how geomorphic changes measured as topographic differences from repeat surveys represent measured and modelled estimates of... -
Suspended-sediment, bed-sediment, and in-channel topographical data at the Green River at Mineral Bottom near Canyonlands National Park, and Colorado River at Potash, UT stream gages recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data include (1) physical suspended-sediment sample data including suspended silt and clay concentration, suspended-sand concentration, and suspended-sand grain... -
Lower Rio Puerco geospatial data, 1935 - 2014 recent views
Department of the Interior —
A long-term study of the geomorphic history of the lower Rio Puerco arroyo in north-central New Mexico included the collection of high-precision (Real-time kinematic)... -
Lower Rio Puerco mapped geomorphic features (shapefiles), 1935, 1950s, 1970s, 1996, 2005, and 2006 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Geomorphic features mapped from historical aerial photographs (1935, 1950s, 1970s, and 1996), satellite imagery (November 2006), and digital aerial imagery (Standard... -
Geomorphic Change-Sediment Transport Data for the Little Colorado River, Arizona, USA recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data were compiled to accompany flow modeling work on Little Colorado river above the mouth (USGS gage 09402300). The data include topographic data collected by... -
Geomorphic Change-Sediment Transport Data for Kanab Creek, Arizona USA recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data were compiled to accompany flow modeling work on Kanab Creek near the mouth (USGS gage 09403850). The data include topographic data collected by a remote... -
Topographic, aerial imagery, and unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV) data for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data were compiled for assessing how geomorphic changes measured as topographic differences from repeat surveys represent measured and modelled estimates of... -
Classified land cover and vegetation canopy cover data for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data were compiled for assessing how geomorphic changes measured as topographic differences from repeat surveys represent measured and modelled estimates of... -
Compilation of topographic data, aerial imagery, and land cover classification, collected between 1984 to 2021 for an aeolian dune field near Lees Ferry, AZ recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data were compiled for assessing how geomorphic changes measured as topographic differences from repeat surveys represent measured and modelled estimates of...