Hospital Annual Financial Data - Selected Data & Pivot Tables recent views
State of California —
On an annual basis (individual hospital fiscal year), individual hospitals and hospital systems report detailed facility-level data on services capacity,... -
Effects of COVID-19 on Hospital Utilization Trends recent views
State of California —
With the onset of COVID-19, hospitals statewide saw a sharp drop in inpatient discharges, emergency department utilization, and ambulatory surgeries. These datasets... -
Hospitalization Discharge Rates recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Hospitalization Discharge Rates in Lake County, Illinois. Explanation of field attributes: Anxiety Disorder - Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear or... -
Hospital Inpatient - Characteristics by Facility (Pivot Profile) recent views
State of California —
This dataset contains annual Excel pivot tables that display summaries of the inpatients treated in each hospital. The summary data include discharges, discharge... -
Licensed Bed Classification and Designations Trends recent views
State of California —
This dataset contains information by licensed facility including number of patient days, hospital discharges, licensed bed days, and intra-hospital transfer from... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge Reporting Borough ELL recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
Youth Admission and Discharge Demographics: Beginning 2003 recent views
State of New York —
This dataset provides county-level demographic data (sex, adjudication, age, race/ethnicity, and service setting) for youth admitted to and discharged from the care... -
2013 EPA Vessels General Permit (VGP) recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Information for any vessel that submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI), Notice of Termination (NOT), or annual report under EPA's 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP). Search... -
Adolescents in Foster Care (permanency outcomes) recent views
City of New York —
Statistics on youth in foster care reported in compliance with Local Law 145 amended by City Council. Cells with one to five youth are not shown to protect anonymity. -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge By Ethnicity recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge By ELL recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge Reporting Borough Grade recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge Reporting District Grade recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge Reporting Borough Gender recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge By Gender recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge Reporting Borough Ethnicity recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge Reporting District SWD recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge Reporting District Ethnicity recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge By Age recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to... -
2015 - 2016 School Closure Discharge By SWD recent views
City of New York —
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to...