Data from Wang et al_BEPAM assessment of soy induced land use change recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
This is the data frrom Wang et al. (https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/acd1d7) which used the BEPAM model to estimate changes in land use from soybean biodiesel in the... -
Presence of erosional features and cover of grasses, forbs, and bare ground on fields enrolled in grassland, wetland, and wildlife practices of the Conservation Reserve Program in the central and western United States from 2016 to 2018 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data included in this data set are from in-field and edge-of-field surveys that recorded the presence of erosional features and cover of vegetation and bare ground on... -
Percent vegetation cover, bare ground and presence of erosional features on managed Conservation Reserve Program fields across central and western United States, 2016-2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data included in this data set are from edge-of-field surveys of managed fields that recorded the presence of erosional features and cover of vegetation and bare... -
Characteristics, presence of erosional features, and cover of vegetation and bare ground on fields formerly enrolled in grassland, wetland, and wildlife practices of the Conservation Reserve Program in the central and western United States from 2017 to 2018 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data included in this data set are from edge-of-field surveys that recorded the presence of erosional features, cover of vegetation and bare ground, and management... -
Native Bee Genera in Colorado Conservation Reserve Program Fields, Collected from 2012-2014 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data included in this data set are for blue vane trap captured native bees from Logan County, Colorado starting in 2012 and ending in 2014. Data were collected the... -
Plant and insect pollinator diversity data from Conservation Reserve Program fields across an agricultural gradient in eastern Iowa recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release includes sampling location identification and timing data as well as plant and insect pollinator taxonomic information in Conservation Reserve... -
National level POLYSYS data for Hellwinckel et al. (2015): Simulated impact of the renewable fuels standard on US Conservation Reserve Program enrollment and conversion recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
This is the data of national level land conversions, prices, assumptions, etc., in the POLYSYS runs to estimate the land use change impacts from a growing biofuels... -
Density and Fledging Success Data from Conservation Reserve Program Fields in North Dakota and Minnesota, 1991-1993 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Field crews from Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center from 1991-1993 in Stutsman County, North Dakota and Pope and Stevens Counties, Minnesota, gathered nest... -
Data from: Thinking Like a Grassland: Challenges and Opportunities for Biodiversity Conservation in the Great Plains of North America recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Conservation planning in the Great Plains often depends on understanding the degree of fragmentation of the various types of grasslands and savannas that historically...