Atolls - Marshall Islands recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Atolls - Marshall Islands -
NOAA Shallow-Water Benthic Habitats: CNMI: Farallon de Pajaros recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Benthic habitat maps for the nearshore, shallow (< 30 m) coastal waters of the island of Farallon de Pajaros in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands... -
Shoreline - U.S. Pacific and Affiliated Territories recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Shorelines of all U.S. Pacific and affiliated territories. Compiled from individual shoreline layers. -
Hawaiian Ko'a Card Coral Health Assessments recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The Hawaiian Ko'a Card (Coral Card) was developed by the Coral Reef Ecology Lab of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa... -
Refinement of the Southern Florida Reef Tract Benthic Habitat Map with habitat use patterns of reef fish species (NCEI Accession 0224176) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This data set summarized biological and environmental sampling data from Reef Visual Census (RVC) surveys in southern Florida in conjunction with remote-sensed, high-... -
National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Assessment of coral reef fish communities in Puerto Rico recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Data provided in this collection were gathered around Puerto Rico as part of NCCOS-led missions in collaboration with partners at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,... -
Shoreline - Baker Island recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Shoreline of Baker Island. -
Shoreline - Jarvis Island recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Shoreline of Jarvis Island -
NOAA Shallow-Water Benthic Habitats: CNMI: Agrihan recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Benthic habitat maps for the nearshore, shallow (< 30 m) coastal waters of the island of Agrihan in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). NOAA's... -
Shoreline - Marshall Islands recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Shorelines of the Marshall Islands -
National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Assessment of coral reef fish communities in the Florida Reef Tract recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Coral reef fish survey data provided in this collection are from three (3) distinct regions along the Florida reef tract; 1) Dry Tortugas, 2) Florida Keys from Key... -
NOAA Shallow-Water Benthic Habitats: Hawaii: Oahu recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Benthic habitat maps for the nearshore, shallow (< 30 m) coastal waters of the island of Oahu in the State of Hawaii. NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean... -
Abundance and behavior of parrotfishes (Labridae, Scarinae) in the upper Florida Keys (NCEI accession 0127525) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
To better understand the functional roles of parrotfishes on Caribbean reefs we documented abundance, habitat preferences, and diets of nine species of parrotfishes... -
2023 NOAA NGS Ortho-rectified 4-band Mosaic of Juneau, AK recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This data set contains 4-band ortho-rectified mosaic tiles, created as a product from the NOAA Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping (IOCM) initiative. The source... -
GL_LAKE_ERIE_2022 ESI BIRDS Polygons, Points recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
These feature classes reside within the BIOLOGY Feature Data Set of the Lake Erie - 2022 ESI Geodatabase. It contains vector polygons and points representing BIRDS... -
NOAA Shallow-Water Benthic Habitats: Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: Midway recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Benthic habitat maps for the nearshore, shallow (< 30 m) coastal waters of Midway Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) and the Papahanaumokuakea... -
Shoreline - Hawaii recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Coastlines for the main Hawaiian islands. Source: USGS Digital Line Graphs, 1983 version. History: Extracted by OSP staff from the 1983 1:24,000 USGS Digital Line... -
Shoreline - Federated States of Micronesia recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Shoreline of the Federated States of Micronesia -
NOAA Shallow-Water Benthic Habitats: CNMI: Rota recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Benthic habitat maps for the nearshore, shallow (< 30 m) coastal waters of the island of Rota in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). NOAA's... -
NOAA Shallow-Water Benthic Habitats: CNMI: Tinian recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Benthic habitat maps for the nearshore, shallow (< 30 m) coastal waters of the island of Tinian in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). NOAA's...