SSA Disability Claim Data recent views
Social Security Administration —
The dataset includes fiscal year data for initial claims for SSA disability benefits that were referred to a state agency for a disability determination. Specific... -
Collection ALJ Disposition Data Collection recent views
Social Security Administration —
A listing of hearings completion data by name of individual administrative law judges (ALJ) for all ALJs in the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO). The data includes... -
Policy Feedback System (PFS) recent views
Social Security Administration —
The Policy Feedback System (PFS) is a web application developed by the Office of Disability Policy Management Information (ODPMI) team that gathers empirical data... -
SSA State Agency Workload Data recent views
Social Security Administration —
The dataset is revised and expanded from 4 to 71 data fields. It includes monthly data from October 2000 onwards for SSA disability cases that were referred to the... -
833 Files recent views
Social Security Administration —
The 833 Files are a collection of datasets with information about CDR determinations. -
Request for Program Consultation (RPC) recent views
Social Security Administration —
The electronic RPC system was developed to support the process of resolving program related disagreements and create a repository of information related to these... -
Performance Management Reporting System (PMR) recent views
Social Security Administration —
This Management Information (MI) site is a compilation of data reporting a variety of work measurements from the DDS perspective, and plays a key role in the... -
831 Files recent views
Social Security Administration —
SSA-831 file is a collection of initial and reconsideration adjudicative level DDS disability determinations. (A few hearing level cases are also present, but the... -
Disability Research File (DRF) recent views
Social Security Administration —
The Disability Research File (DRF) contains ten years' worth of Title II and Title XVI disability information extracted from a wide variety of sources. Based on...