Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a dataset compiled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It contains information on the release and waste... -
Generalized Geology of Europe including Turkey (geo4_2l) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This coverage includes arcs, polygons, and polygon labels that describe the generalized geologic age of surface outcrops of bedrock of Europe including Turkey... -
Fisheries One Stop Shop Public Data 2009 - Present recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The purpose of the Fisheries One-Stop-Shop (FOSS) is to make fisheries dependent information readily available to fisheries managers, scientists and the American... -
TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2022, State, Alabama, AL, 2020 Census Block recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master... -
Salt Diapirs in the Gulf Coast [gcdiapirg] recent views
Department of the Interior —
Locations and shapes of salt diapirs were modified after the New Orleans Geological Society map, Salt tectonism of the U.S. Gulf Coast Basin (compiled by J.A. Lopez,... -
EnviroAtlas One Meter Resolution Urban Land Cover Data (2008-2012) Web Service recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas (https://www.epa.gov/enviroatlas ). The EnviroAtlas One Meter-... -
EnviroAtlas -- Birmingham, Alabama -- Meter-Scale Urban Land Cover (MULC) Data (2011) recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The Birmingham, AL EnviroAtlas Meter-scale Urban Land Cover (MULC) dataset comprises 2,778 km2 around the city of Birmingham and portions of surrounding counties. The... -
TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2022, State, Alabama, AL, Unified School Districts recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master... -
TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2023, State, Alabama, Primary and Secondary Roads recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master... -
Geologic provinces of Europe including Turkey, 2000 (prv4_2l) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This coverage includes arcs, polygons and polygon labels that describe U.S. Geological Survey defined geologic provinces of Europe including Turkey. (Albania,... -
2023 Cartographic Boundary File (SHP), Unified School District for Alabama, 1:500,000 recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
The 2023 cartographic boundary shapefiles are simplified representations of selected geographic areas from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File /... -
TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2021, State, Alabama, County Subdivisions recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master... -
2022 Cartographic Boundary File (KML), Current Unified School District for Alabama, 1:500,000 recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
The 2022 cartographic boundary KMLs are simplified representations of selected geographic areas from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically... -
TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2021, County, Montgomery County, AL, All Roads recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master... -
EnviroAtlas - Birmingham, AL - Ecosystem Services by Block Group recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
This EnviroAtlas dataset presents environmental benefits of the urban forest in 577 block groups in Birmingham, Alabama. Carbon attributes, temperature reduction,... -
H13835: NOS Hydrographic Survey , 2024-01-15 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe... -
Seismic Lines in Louisiana and Texas [gcseismicg] recent views
Department of the Interior —
The lines shown are those used by the USGS in developing the framework geology and models used in assessing the oil and gas resources of the Gulf Coast Region. The... -
TIGER/Line Shapefile, Current, State, Alabama, 118th Congressional District recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
This resource is a member of a series. The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information... -
2020 Cartographic Boundary File (SHP), Current County Subdivision for Alabama, 1:500,000 recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
The 2020 cartographic boundary shapefiles are simplified representations of selected geographic areas from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File /... -
Narragansett Bay hypoxia history core metals data recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Data and calculations for analyses of metals in sediment cores. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Boothman, W.S., and L. Coiro. Modern...