Trash Receptacles recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI point feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts street trash and recycling receptacles. Contact Keith Johnson (kjohnson@somervillema.gov) with... -
Georeferenced NYC Zoning Maps recent views
City of New York —
The Georeferenced NYC Zoning Maps raster dataset is intended to be a spatial representation of the entire zoning map catalog for the City of New York as one seamless... -
GIBS Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
The WMTS implementation standard provides a standards-based solution for serviing digital maps using predefined image tiles. Through the constructs of the... -
Spatial and Economic Human Uses, California South Coast MPA Baseline Study, 1992 to 2012 recent views
State of California —
This study addresses the South Coast MPA Baseline Program objectives by describing human use patterns across the study region and establishing initial data points for... -
Neighborhoods recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI polygon feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts neighborhood boundaries. -
Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Fire History GIS Feature Classes recent views
Department of the Interior —
Summary This feature class documents the fire history on CMR from 1964 - present. This is 1 of 2 feature classes, a polygon and a point. This data has a variety of... -
Fire Response Districts recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI polygon feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts fire response districts. -
Impervious Surfaces recent views
City of Somerville —
Georeferenced raster image dataset representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts, impervious surface areas. -
Parking Meters recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI point feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts street parking meters. -
Historical - ccgisdata - FPDCC fishing lakes in Cook County recent views
Cook County of Illinois —
Fishing lakes in Cook County with contours. To view or use these shapefiles, compression software and special GIS software, such as ESRI ArcGIS, is required -
GIBS Tiled Web Mapping Service (TWMS) recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
The TWMS specification is a custom extension to the OGS WMS standard developed by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Similar to the OGC WMTS specification, TWMS... -
Land cover rasters (raw data) - Selawik National Wildlife Refuge recent views
Department of the Interior —
This geodatabase contains three (3) rasters, two (2) of which represent landcover for Selawik National Wildlife Refuge and surrounding areas. The third raster... -
GIBS Keyhole Markup Language (KML) recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
The KML documentation standard provides a solution for imagery integration into mapping tools that utilize support the KML standard, specifically Google Earth. Using... -
Mid-Depth Rocky & Soft-Bottom Ecosystems, California South Coast MPA Baseline Study, 2011 to 2012 recent views
State of California —
Seafloor habitats deeper than 100 meters make up an estimated 29% (1840 km2) of state waters in southern California, yet they are sampled with far less frequency when... -
Characterization of Human Uses and the Socioeconomic Dimensions, California North Coast MPA Baseline Study, 1992 to 2014 recent views
State of California —
The primary goal of this project was to inform long-term marine protected area (MPA) monitoring efforts by gathering up-to-date socioeconomic information to... -
SubTER ZTEM (Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic) Survey Results, Mineral Mountains Area, Utah recent views
Department of Energy —
This data was acquired as part of the Subsurface Science, Technology and Engineering Research, and Development (SubTER) Crosscut which is a collaboration across the... -
Police Stations recent views
City of Somerville —
ESRI point feature class representing City of Somerville, Massachusetts police station locations.