Walkshed High-Frequency Rail Peak
District of Columbia —
The walkshed here uses a ½ mile walk from high-frequency Metrorail station entrances, which represent the distance most people are willing to travel to reach a... -
Metro Stations in DC
District of Columbia —
This dataset contains points representing Metro Stations within the District of Columbia. Station centroids were identified from visual observation of orthophotography... -
CA Transit Routes
State of California —
Provide all CA transit routes (geospatial) from all transit operators. -
Metro Lines in DC
District of Columbia —
This dataset contains lines representing Metro lines within the District of Columbia. Lines were taken from legacy data from WMATA and fit to orthophotography and... -
Metro Lines Regional
District of Columbia —
The dataset contains lines representing Metro lines in the Washington DC Metropolitan area. Lines were taken from legacy data from WMATA and fit to orthophotography... -
Virginia Railway Express Stations
District of Columbia —
This data set contains all Virginia Railway Express (VRE) stations in Virginia. The data set was originally obtained from the Metro Washington Council of Governments... -
Loudoun Park and Ride Lots
Loudoun County, Virginia —
This point feature class contains all the identified Loudoun County Park and Ride vehicle lots according to the Loudoun County Office of Transportation and Capital... -
Walkshed High-Frequency Rail Off Peak
District of Columbia —
The walkshed here uses a ½ mile walk from high-frequency Metrorail station entrances, which represent the distance most people are willing to travel to reach a... -
Metro Maintenance Facilities
District of Columbia —
Metro maintenance facilities. -
DC Streetcar Stops
District of Columbia —
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) launched DC Streetcar in February 2016 after more than 50 years. The rebirth of the streetcar emerged out of a... -
Job Destination Rail Access AM Peak
District of Columbia —
This layer considers jobs and destinations to be accessible by Metrorail if the destinations are reachable within 30 minutes by train. Access to jobs and destinations... -
California Rail Network
State of California —
The purpose of the data is to represent the rail network using available reference data and information contained in the California Region Timetable 20. The Rail... -
Loudoun Metrorail Stations
Loudoun County, Virginia —
More MetadataDISCLAIMER** These station data are for illustrative purposes only and were were extracted from the latest proposed data provided by MWAA to the Loudoun... -
Loudoun Metrorail Track
Loudoun County, Virginia —
More MetadataDISCLAIMER** These track data are for illustrative purposes only. The 11.5 mile Phase 2 track data and the maintenance track extension were extracted... -
CA HQ Transit Stops
State of California —
Estimated High Quality Transit Stops as described in Public Resources Code 21155, 21064.3, 21060.2. -
CA HQ Transit Areas
State of California —
Estimated High Quality Transit Areas as described in Public Resources Code 21155, 21064.3, 21060.2. -
Maryland Area Regional Commuter Routes
District of Columbia —
Maryland Transit Routes -
Loudoun Metrorail Service Districts
Loudoun County, Virginia —
More MetadataAt the July 3, 2012 Loudoun Board of Supervisor's Business Meeting, the Board agreed to be a funding partner with the Metropolitan Washington Airports... -
Freight Classification Yards
State of California —
Classification yards and major switching facilities are rail yards used to separate cars onto multiple tracks.