Jurassic evaporite facies of the Afghan-Tajik and Amu Darya basins in northern Afghanistan and adjacent areas (evapfacafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains polygons that describe the spatial extent of Jurassic age evaporite facies (Gaurdak formation) in the Afghan-Tajik and Amu Darya basins. -
Geologic provinces encompassing northern Afghanistan, 2006 (prvafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile includes polygons that describe U.S. Geological Survey defined geologic provinces that encompass northern Afghanistan. -
Gas samples of Afghanistan and adjacent areas (gasafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains points that describe the location of gas samples collected in Afghanistan and adjacent areas and the results of organic geochemical analysis. -
Oil and gas fields of Afghanistan (fldafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains polygons that describe oil and gas fields in northern Afghanistan. -
Oil samples and geochemical analyses of Afghanistan and adjacent areas (oilafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains points that describe the location of oil samples collected in Afghanistan and adjacent areas, and the results of organic geochemical analysis. -
Rock samples and geochemical analyses of Afghanistan and adjacent areas (rockafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains points that describe the location of rock samples (core samples and outcrop samples) collected in Afghanistan and adjacent areas, and the... -
Seismic lines in northern Afghanistan (seismafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains polylines that describe the location of seismic lines in northern Afghanistan. -
Oil and gas wells of Afghanistan (wellsafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains points that describe the location of hyrdrocarbon exploration and production wells drilled in Afghanistan. -
Seismic lines with digital seg-y profiles, northern Afghanistan (segyafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains polylines that describe the location of seismic lines in northern Afghanistan for which digital seismic profiles in seg-y format are available... -
Tectonic zones of northern Afghanistan and adjacent areas (tzoneafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains polygons that describe the spatial extent of tectonic zones in northern Afghanistan and adjacent areas. -
Thickness of Jurassic evaporite facies in the Afghan-Tajik and Amu Darya basins of northern Afghanistan and adjacent areas (evapisoafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains polylines (isopachs) that describe the thickness of Jurassic age evaporite facies (Gaurdak formation) in the Afghan-Tajik and Amu Darya basins -
Tectonic regions of northern Afghanistan and adjacent areas (gregafg.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile contains polygons that describe tectonic regions in Afghanistan and adjacent areas.