National Obesity By State recent views
National Obesity Percentages by State. Explanation of Field Attributes:Obesity - The percent of the state population that is considered obese from the 2015 CDC BRFSS Survey. -
Cancer Rates recent views
Cancer Rates for Lake County Illinois. Explanation of field attributes: Colorectal Cancer - Cancer that develops in the colon (the longest part of the large intestine) and/or... -
National Obesity By State recent views
Layers in this service includes: Birth, Cancer, Hospitalization Discharge, Mortality and STI Rates, as well as Demographics. -
Hospitalization Discharge Rates recent views
Hospitalization Discharge Rates in Lake County, Illinois. Explanation of field attributes: Anxiety Disorder - Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear or stress... -
Birth Statistics recent views
Births rates across Lake County, Illinois by ZIP Code. Explanation of field attributes: LBW - Low birth weight is defined as a birth where the baby weighs less than 2,500 grams.... -
Demographics recent views
Lake County, Illinois Demographic Data. Explanation of field attributes: Total Population – The entire population of Lake County. White – Individuals who are of Caucasian race.... -
Tax Parcels recent views
Download In State Plane Projection Here In addition to the Tax Parcel polygons feature class, the hyperlink download above also contains a parcel point data layer Parcel... -
Mortality Rates recent views
Mortality Rates for Lake County, Illinois. Explanation of field attributes: Average Age of Death – The average age at which a people in the given zip code die. Cancer Deaths –... -
U.S. Congressional Districts recent views
Download In State Plane Projection Here. Boundaries for representatives to the U.S. House of Representatives as established by that body. Update Frequency: This dataset is... -
LiDAR Breaklines recent views
Breaklines are collected in areas where the bare-earth surface LiDAR needs additional definition, like top of banks, hydrologic features and major roads. The 3D breaklines Esri... -
Voting Precincts recent views
Download In State Plane Projection Here. Registered voters are assigned to individual precincts and cast their votes at the designated polling place for the precinct. These... -
Illinois Obesity By County recent views
State of Illinois Obesity Percentages by County. Explanation of field attributes: Obesity - The percent of each Illinois county’s population that is considered obese from the... -
2004 Lake County Aerial - SE Quarter recent views
This one foot pixel resolution black and white aerial photography was flown April 5, 2004 at a negative scale of 1" = 1666 (a scale ratio of 1:20000) flying at an altitude of... -
Street Centerlines recent views
Download In State Plane Projection Here. The Street Centerline feature class now follows the NG911/State of Illinois data specifications including a StreetNameAlias table. The... -
Cancer Rates recent views
Layers in this service includes: Birth, Cancer, Hospitalization Discharge, Mortality and STI Rates, as well as Demographics. -
Tax Parcel Data recent views
The Lake County Data Extract provides parcel characteristics and tax information for all properties located in Lake County, Illinois. Casual users can find the standalone Tax... -
Lake County Special Service Area 9 NLFPA recent views
Lake County Special Service Area 9 NLFPA -
STI Rates recent views
Layers in this service includes: Birth, Cancer, Hospitalization Discharge, Mortality and STI Rates, as well as Demographics.