National Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory recent views
The National Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory contains information on direct emissions of greenhouse gases as well as indirect or potential emissions of greenhouse gases... -
Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET): Ozone recent views
8-hour daily maximum ozone concentrations as measured by the Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET) -
Report on U.S. Methane Emissions 1990-2020: Inventories, Projections, and Opportunities for Reductions: 2001 Updated emission and cost estimates recent views
This dataset contains relative and absolute forecasts of emissions through 2020 for landfills, natural gas and oil systems, coal mines, manure management and enteric... -
Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET) Download Data Module recent views
The CASTNET Download Data module allows users to select, view, and download CASTNET data (Raw, Aggregate, Modeled & Factual Data) based on user selections. CASTNET sites are... -
Clean Air Markets Program Data Application (CAMPD) recent views
The Clean Air Markets Program Data (CAMPD) application, accessible at https://campd.epa.gov/, allows users to view Clean Air Markets data through the Custom Data Download Tool... -
National Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory (EV-GHG) recent views
The EV-GHG Mobile Source Data asset contains measured mobile source GHG emissions summary compliance information on light-duty vehicles, by model, for certification as required... -
Atmospheric Deposition Modeling Results recent views
This asset provides data on model results for dry and total deposition of sulfur, nitrogen and base cation species. Components include deposition velocities, dry deposition and... -
Global Warming Potentials (GWP) of ODS Substitutes recent views
This site includes the global warming potential (GWP) of ozone depleting substance substitutes, their atmospheric lifetime, and uses. -
Modeling Results for Policy Analyses recent views
This asset provides information on policy options in abating SO2, NOx and Greenhouse gases. -
Global Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emission Projections & Mitigation: 2015-2050 recent views
The data in these Appendices to the Global Anthropogenic Emissions of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (1990-2020) report provide historical and projected estimates of emissions from... -
Records Management recent views
All Federal Agencies are required to prescribe an appropriate records maintenance program so that complete records are filed or otherwise preserved, records can be found when... -
Integrated Strategic Tracking and Recruiting Database (iSTAR) Data Inventory recent views
The Integrated Strategic Tracking and Recruiting Database (iSTAR) Data Inventory contains measured and modeled partnership and contact data. It is comprised of basic... -
Ozone-depleting Substances (ODS) recent views
This site includes all of the ozone-depleting substances (ODS) recognized by the Montreal Protocol. The data include ozone depletion potentials (ODP), global warming potentials... -
Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET): Visibility recent views
Nephelometer data (conforms to IMPROVE network standards) from October 1993 to June 2002. This table is no longer updated. -
Pollution Control Measures and Equipment recent views
This asset provides information on all operating and planned-committed electricity generation units (used as primary input for IPM) -
Regional Monitoring of Acidic Lakes and Streams recent views
This asset provides data on the acid-base status of lakes and streams. Key chemical indicators measured include: sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, chloride, Acid Neutralizing Capacity... -
Methane Tracking and Mitigation Options - EPA CMOP recent views
This dataset contains the sub-model for EPA's MARKAL model, which tracks methane emissions from the energy system, and limited other sources (landfills and manure handling).... -
Global Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emission Projections & Mitigation Potential: 2015-2050: Download the Report recent views
Marginal abatement curves (MAC) can be downloaded as data annexes to the Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases report. This data allows for improved understanding of the... -
Analysis of Methane Mitigation Options using the MARKAL Model for the US: Calibration Data for Methane Emissions recent views
This dataset contains the output for modeling runs that were performed to investigate the effectiveness of various technologies and lay the groundwork for the formulation of...