Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary - mos110_0204b.tif - Multibeam backscatter mosaic from survey area 110_0204b recent views
A multibeam backscatter image (0-35 m water depths) mosaiced from hydrographic data collected during a August/September 2003seafloor survey. A Reson 8101 multibeam echosounder... -
stil113_0401r -- Point coverage of locations of still frames extracted from video imagery which depict sediment types recent views
A custom built camera sled outfitted with video equipment (and other devices) was deployed from the NOAA research vessel Tatoosh during August 2005. Video data from specific... -
hab113_0401q -- Habitat polygons for HMPR-113-2004-01q survey in Olympic Coast national marine sanctuary. recent views
Benthic habitat polygon coverages are being created for the Olympic Coast national marine sanctuary (OCNMS).ROV, towed camera sled, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples, and... -
Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Inventory 2023-2024 NGDA recent views
The NOAA MPA Inventory represents a collection of data compiled from various federal, state, tribal and territorial entities to provide a publicly available source of... -
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary - stil120_0602a - Point coverage of locations of still frames extracted from video imagery which depict sediment types at various locations recent views
A custom built camera sled outfitted with video equipment (and other devices) was deployed from the NOAA research vessel Tatoosh during September 2006. Video data from specific... -
New Hampshire / Southern Maine Ocean Uses Atlas: Non-Consumptive sector recent views
The Ocean Uses Atlas Project is an innovative partnership between the Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) and NOAA's Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM).... -
track117_0502 - Polyline coverage of survey trackline pattern for survey HMPR-117-2005-02 recent views
Data were collected by the SHOALS-1000T(Scanning Hydrographic Operational Airborne LidarSurvey)system which consists of an airborne laser transmitter/receiver with a 1kHz.... -
hab108_0201_west.TIF -- Side scan sonar image (West mosaic) from survey effort HMPR-108-2002-01 in the Olympic Coast National marine sanctuary. recent views
The side scan sonar image of the sea floor (120-350 m water depths) was mosaiced from data collected in 2002.An Edgetech DF1000 side scan system was used for geophysical... -
vid119_0601d -- Line coverage of sediment types from video collected from the Delta submersible vehicle. recent views
The Delta submersible vehicle, outfitted with video equipment (and other devices), was deployed from the R/V Auriga during September 2001 to monitor seafloor disturbance and... -
Coverage hab108_0201 -- Habitat polygons for HMPR-108-2002-01 survey in Olympic Coast national marine sanctuary. recent views
Benthic habitat polygon coverages are being created for the Olympic Coast national marine sanctuary (OCNMS).ROV, towed camera sled, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples, and... -
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary - mos120_0602b - Side scan sonar mosaic from survey effort 120_0602 recent views
This side scan sonar imagery of the sea floor (70-90 m water depths) was mosaiced from acoustic data collected in 2006 aboard the R/V Tatoosh. A Klein System 3000 dual frequency...