Plot level raw datasets--including Cover, Woody Stem, Plot/Environmental, and Soil--from vegetation sampling on Coastal Wetland Elevation Monitoring Sites within the South Atlantic Geography. There are four tabular datasets for each sampling year, representing the raw data collected from vegetation plots established at each of the South Atlantic Geography Coastal Wetland Elevation Monitoirng Sites. File naming structure is as follows: CWEM (standard)_YearSampled_DatasetType. Datasets include: 1) CWEM_xxxx_Cover: cover class values by taxon and nested quadrat depth by taxon; 2) CWEM_xxxx_Stems: woody stem counts by diameter class and taxon; 3) CWEM_xxxx_Plots: plot metadata, environmental attributes, and disturbance history; and 4) CWEM_xxxx_Soil: soil chemistry and texture analysis results. 2013 files represent the first year of vegetation sampling (baseline) on 20 CWEM sites across 18 refuges within the SALCC, including: ACE Basin, Alligator River (2), Blackbeard Island, Cedar Island, Currituck, Harris Neck, Lower Suwannee (2), Mackay Island, Pea Island, Pinckney Island, Pocosin Lakes, Roanoke River, Savannah, St. Marks, Swanquarter, Waccamaw, Wassaw, and Wolf Island NWR. 2016 files represent the second year of vegetation sampling on 18 of the baseline 20 CWEM sites (Pocosin Lakes and Lower Suwannee-Dan May Creek site not accessed in 2016) and first year sampling (baseline) for the newly established Cape Romain NWR sites (2).