Stetson Flower Garden Banks Benthic_Covage Monitoring 1993-2018 - DATA recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
These datasets are part of the longterm monitoring program of the water quality and benthic communities in the East Flower Garden Bank (EFGB), West Flower Garden Bank... -
Surface Elevation Table (SET) Data Package recent views
Department of the Interior —
Cumulative data package of surface elevation table and marker horizon data collected by the National Park Service at twenty national parks along the Atlantic... -
Northeast Town Lines recent views
State of Connecticut —
Northeastern United States Town Boundary data are intended for geographic display of state, county and town (municipal) boundaries at statewide and regional levels.... -
East Flower Garden Banks Benthic_Covage Monitoring 1989-2017 - DATA recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
These datasets are part of the longterm monitoring program of the water quality and benthic communities in the East Flower Garden Bank (EFGB), West Flower Garden Bank... -
Drainage Basin Polygon recent views
State of Connecticut —
See full Data Guide here. Drainage Basin Set: Connecticut Drainage Basins is 1:24,000-scale, polygon and line feature data that define natural drainage areas in... -
Vegetation Plot Data of the Coastal Wetland Elevation Monitoring Sites on National Wildlife Refuges in the South Atlantic Geography. recent views
Department of the Interior —
Plot level raw datasets--including Cover, Woody Stem, Plot/Environmental, and Soil--from vegetation sampling on Coastal Wetland Elevation Monitoring Sites within the... -
CT Vicinity County Lines recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut and Vicinity County Boundary data are intended for geographic display of state and county boundaries at statewide and regional levels. Use it to map and... -
Local Basin Lines recent views
State of Connecticut —
See full Data Guide here. Drainage Basin Set: Connecticut Drainage Basins is 1:24,000-scale, polygon and line feature data that define natural drainage areas in... -
Northeast County Polygon recent views
State of Connecticut —
Northeastern United States County Boundary data are intended for geographic display of state and county boundaries at statewide and regional levels. Use it to map and... -
Impaired River 2014 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2014 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2014. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Shellfish Area Marker recent views
State of Connecticut —
Shellfish Area Classification Set: The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection cooperated with the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture to... -
Surface Water Quality Lines recent views
State of Connecticut —
See full Data Guide here. Surface Water Quality Classifications Set: This dataset is a line and a polygon feature-based layer compiled at 1:24,000 scale that includes... -
Connecticut and Vicinity Town Boundary Set recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut and Vicinity Town Boundary data are intended for geographic display of state, county and town (municipal) boundaries at statewide and regional levels. Use... -
Named Waterbody Poly recent views
State of Connecticut —
Named Waterbody is a 1:24,000-scale, polygon and line feature-based layer that includes all named waterbodies depicted on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute... -
305b Assessed 2008 Lake recent views
State of Connecticut —
305b Assessed 2008 River, Lake, Estuary Set: Connecticut 305b Assessed River 2008 is a 1:24,000-scale, line feature-based layer that includes rivers that have been... -
Shellfish Area Classification Set recent views
State of Connecticut —
Shellfish Area Classification Set: The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection cooperated with the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture to... -
Wellhead Protection Areas - Adjacent State recent views
State of Connecticut —
See full Data Guide here. Aquifer Protection Areas Set is a 1:24,000-scale, polygon feature-based layer that includes all Preliminary (Level B) and Final (Level A)... -
Northeast Town Polygon recent views
State of Connecticut —
Northeastern United States Town Boundary data are intended for geographic display of state, county and town (municipal) boundaries at statewide and regional levels.... -
Assessing coastal wetland vulnerability to sea-level rise along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast: gaps and opportunities for developing a coordinated regional sampling network recent views
Department of the Interior —
The study area included the coasts of all five U.S. states along the northern Gulf of Mexico (i.e., Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas). We contacted... -
Advanced TidGen Power System - Material Characterization Program recent views
Department of Energy —
The TidGen Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects directly into existing grids using smart grid technology. The power...