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Surface Meteorological Station - ANL 50m, Sonic, Physics site-12 - Raw Data

Metadata Updated: April 26, 2022


Measurements of surface sensible heat flux, momentum flux, wind components, and virtual temperature.

Data Details

  • X (column 1) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward north.
  • Y (column 2) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward east.
  • Z (column 3) is a component of wind cm/s plus up.
  • T (column 4) is sonic virtual temperature in degrees C*100.
  • hh:mm:ss is data collection time in UTC.

Data Quality

The Argonne National Laboratory sonic anemometer measurements are visually inspected weekly for data outliers or instrument problems. The final dataset sent to the DAP will have all outliers or problematic data removed using automated and visual processes, including minimum/maximum checks, in a similar process used for Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program eddy correlation (ECOR) data.


The uncertainties of the basic sonic anemometer measurements are taken to be the accuracy of the individual measurements as specified by the instrument manufacturer. Based on historical experience with this measurement technique, flux measurement uncertainty is +/- 10 percent, although the uncertainty can be much greater during stable atmospheric conditions when turbulence intensity and atmospheric gradients are small and advection from beyond the normal fetch can occur. In particular, the Physics Site-12 tower's sonic anemometer measurements can have greater uncertainty when the wind blows through the tower structure.


During stable atmospheric conditions, turbulence intensity and atmospheric gradients often are small, approaching or exceeding the measurement resolution of sonic anemometers. Under these conditions, advection from beyond the normal fetch also can occur, making interpretation of the fluxes difficult. Notably, the Physics Site-12 tower sonic anemometer measurements can be affected when the wind blows through the tower structure. Some unusual biases in the vertical velocities measured at the Physics Site-12 tower with west wind conditions also have not been adequately explained.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: Creative Commons Attribution

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Metadata Created Date August 4, 2021
Metadata Updated Date April 26, 2022

Metadata Source

Harvested from OpenEI data.json

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date August 4, 2021
Metadata Updated Date April 26, 2022
Publisher Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Doi 10.21947/1328896
Data First Published 2016-07-15T00:00:00Z
Data Last Modified 2021-10-11T00:00:00Z
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 019:20
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Data Quality True
Harvest Object Id 4ba20b75-5e8f-4778-98a0-907e0b562ad4
Harvest Source Id 7cbf9085-0290-4e9f-bec1-91653baeddfd
Harvest Source Title OpenEI data.json
Homepage URL
Program Code 019:010
Projectnumber 67025
Projecttitle Wind Data Hub
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 80c26667a1aeda4bbb2263cee7da5457e3038a0a
Source Schema Version 1.1

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