NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura July 2015
Access & Use Information
Downloads & Resources
July Compass Data.zipZIP
MOIS Compass data for NWEI Azura during month of July 2015
July System Data.zipZIP
MOIS system data for NWEI Azura during month of July 2015
July GPS Data.zipZIP
MOIS GPS data for NWEI Azura during month of July 2015
July MOIS Analog Data 1.zipZIP
MOIS analog data for NWEI Azura during 2015 day 182 to 185
July MOIS Analog Data 4.zipZIP
MOIS analog data for NWEI Azura during 2015 day 200 to 206
July MOIS Analog Data 5.zipZIP
MOIS analog data for NWEI Azura during 2015 day 207 to 212
July MOIS Load Cell Data 1.zipZIP
MOIS load cell data for NWEI Azura during 2015 day 182 to 185
July MOIS Analog Data 3.zipZIP
MOIS analog data for NWEI Azura during 2015 day 193 to 199
July MOIS Analog Data 2.zipZIP
MOIS analog data for NWEI Azura during 2015 day 186 to 192
July MOIS Load Cell Data 4.zipZIP
MOIS load cell data for NWEI Azura during 2015 day 200 to 206
July MOIS Load Cell Data 5.zipZIP
MOIS load cell data for NWEI Azura during 2015 day 207 to 212
July DMS Data.zipZIP
MOIS DMS motion sensor data for NWEI Azura during month of July 2015
July MOIS Load Cell Data 3.zipZIP
MOIS load cell data for NWEI Azura during 2015 day 193 to 199
July MOIS Load Cell Data 2.zipZIP
MOIS load cell data for NWEI Azura during 2015 day 186 to 192
General DocumentationHTML
Link to separate GDR submission containing MOIS Azura half scale testing MOIS...
Landing PageLanding Page
Metadata Created Date | June 24, 2021 |
Metadata Updated Date | January 24, 2023 |
Metadata Source
- Data.json Data.json Metadata
Harvested from OpenEI data.json
Additional Metadata
Resource Type | Dataset |
Metadata Created Date | June 24, 2021 |
Metadata Updated Date | January 24, 2023 |
Publisher | National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Maintainer | |
Doi | 10.15473/1415178 |
Identifier | |
Data First Published | 2016-05-23T06:00:00Z |
Data Last Modified | 2021-07-09T16:08:14Z |
Public Access Level | public |
Bureau Code | 019:20 |
Metadata Context | |
Metadata Catalog ID | |
Schema Version | |
Catalog Describedby | |
Data Quality | True |
Harvest Object Id | 15a7d905-45f0-4cd2-be33-b5aacb9b1bb9 |
Harvest Source Id | 7cbf9085-0290-4e9f-bec1-91653baeddfd |
Harvest Source Title | OpenEI data.json |
Homepage URL | |
License | |
Old Spatial | {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":-157.75544663925,21.454845794085,-157.75182458446,21.454845794085,-157.75182458446,21.458983683206,-157.75544663925,21.458983683206,-157.75544663925,21.454845794085} |
Program Code | 019:009 |
Projectlead | Jim Ahlgrimm |
Projectnumber | EE0006056 |
Projecttitle | In-water Wave Energy Conversion (WEC) Device Testing Support |
Source Datajson Identifier | True |
Source Hash | 5797263253f0e33cf7f0dc1ea3808685ca8beff4 |
Source Schema Version | 1.1 |
Spatial | {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":-157.75544663925,21.454845794085,-157.75182458446,21.454845794085,-157.75182458446,21.458983683206,-157.75544663925,21.458983683206,-157.75544663925,21.454845794085} |
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