US-Total Electron Content Product (USTEC) recent views
The US Total Electron Content (US-TEC) product is designed to specify TEC over the Continental US (CONUS) in near real-time. The product uses a Kalman Filter data assimilation... -
Calculations of the Total Number of Electrons Along a Ray Path Extending from the Transmitter to the Receiver recent views
Ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) is the total number of electrons in a column of unit cross section extending from the transmitter to the receiver. TEC is calculated... -
Measurement of Incoherent Scatter recent views
For radio waves transmitted through the ionosphere with frequencies much larger (50 to 1300MHz) than the plasma frequency (up to 15MHz), very small-scale fluctuations of... -
Ovation Prime Real-Time recent views
The Ovation Prime Real-Time (OPRT) product is a real-time forecast and nowcast model of auroral power and is an operational implementation of the work by Newell et al (2009).... -
Ionospheric Oblique Incidence Soundings by Satellites recent views
The oblique incidence sweep-frequency ionospheric sounding technique uses the same principle of operation as the vertical incidence sounder. The primary difference is that the... -
Measurements of the Absorptive Properties of the Ionosphere recent views
Absorption of radio waves occurs when electrons responding to the wave fields collide with and transfer energy to the neutral particles. A study of ionospheric absorption yields... -
Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID) recent views
Sudden ionospheric disturbances (SID) are caused by solar flare enhanced X-rays in the 1 to 10 angstrom range. Solar flares can produce large increases of ionization in the...