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Louisville Metro KY - Crime Data 2022

Metadata Updated: April 13, 2023

Note: Due to a system migration, this data will cease to update on March 14th, 2023. The current projection is to restart the updates within 30 days of the system migration, on or around April 13th, 2023Crime report data is provided for Louisville Metro Police Divisions only; crime data does not include smaller class cities.

The data provided in this dataset is preliminary in nature and may have not been investigated by a detective at the time of download. The data is therefore subject to change after a complete investigation. This data represents only calls for police service where a police incident report was taken. Due to the variations in local laws and ordinances involving crimes across the nation, whether another agency utilizes Uniform Crime Report (UCR) or National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) guidelines, and the results learned after an official investigation, comparisons should not be made between the statistics generated with this dataset to any other official police reports. Totals in the database may vary considerably from official totals following the investigation and final categorization of a crime. Therefore, the data should not be used for comparisons with Uniform Crime Report or other summary statistics.

Data is broken out by year into separate CSV files. Note the file grouping by year is based on the crime's Date Reported (not the Date Occurred).

Older cases found in the 2003 data are indicative of cold case research. Older cases are entered into the Police database system and tracked but dates and times of the original case are maintained.

Data may also be viewed off-site in map form for just the last 6 months on

Data Dictionary:

INCIDENT_NUMBER - the number associated with either the incident or used as reference to store the items in our evidence rooms

DATE_REPORTED - the date the incident was reported to LMPD

DATE_OCCURED - the date the incident actually occurred


UOR_DESC - Uniform Offense Reporting code for the criminal act committed

CRIME_TYPE - the crime type category

NIBRS_CODE - the code that follows the guidelines of the National Incident Based Reporting System. For more details visit

UCR_HIERARCHY - hierarchy that follows the guidelines of the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting. For more details visit

ATT_COMP - Status indicating whether the incident was an attempted crime or a completed crime.

LMPD_DIVISION - the LMPD division in which the incident actually occurred

LMPD_BEAT - the LMPD beat in which the incident actually occurred

PREMISE_TYPE - the type of location in which the incident occurred (e.g. Restaurant)

BLOCK_ADDRESS - the location the incident occurred

CITY - the city associated to the incident block location

ZIP_CODE - the zip code associated to the incident block location

ID - Unique identifier for internal database


Crime Information Center

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than See Terms License: See this page for license information.

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Metadata Created Date April 13, 2023
Metadata Updated Date April 13, 2023

Metadata Source

Harvested from Louisville Open Data

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date April 13, 2023
Metadata Updated Date April 13, 2023
Publisher Louisville/Jefferson County Information Consortium
Data First Published 2023-01-24T16:26:33.000Z
Data Last Modified 2023-03-23T13:10:25.581Z
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 010:86, 010:04
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Culture en-us
Harvest Object Id 3c48babc-9100-4c08-b595-9a8b48209b3f
Harvest Source Id df573dd9-dda2-439d-be4a-c5a3e9b0cc03
Harvest Source Title Louisville Open Data
Homepage URL
Metadata Type geospatial
Platform ArcGIS Hub
Program Code 015:001, 015:002
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash af4e1d1e08ce77473de5d49e8167087d8d5f7352
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {{extent:computeSpatialProperty}}
Summary The Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) began operations on January 6, 2003, as part of the creation of the consolidated city-county government in Louisville, Kentucky. It was formed by the merger of the Jefferson County Police Department and the Louisville Division of Police. The Louisville Metro Police Department is headed by Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel. LMPD divides Jefferson County into eight patrol divisions and operates a number of special investigative and support units.

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