RLWrankedLists.tar.gz:These lists linked to various chemical treatment conditions serve as the target collection of Cmap. Probes of the entire microarray are sorted based on their log fold changes over control conditions. RLWsignatures2015.tar.gz: These signatures linked to various chemical treatment conditions serve as queries in Cmap. This dataset is not publicly accessible because: too big in size. It can be accessed through the following means: located in the High Performance Computing archive /asm/FISHTOX/TAR_BALLs/fishCmap.tar.gz. Format: Fish connectivity mapping involves working with a large amount of data. Of primary interest to other researchers and general public are probably the rank-ordered gene lists and gene signatures. The former acts as a database-like target while the latter as queries. Along with fish Cmap outputs, they are contained in the file fishCmap.tar.gz as RLWrankedLists.tar.gz and RLWsignatures2015.tar.gz.
This dataset is associated with the following publication:
Wang , R., A. Biales , N. Garcia-Reyero, E. Perkins, D. Villeneuve, G. Ankley, and D. Bencic. Fish Connectivity Mapping: Linking Chemical Stressors by Their MOA-Driven Transcriptomic Profiles. BMC Genomics. BioMed Central Ltd, London, UK, 17(84): 1-20, (2016).