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BLM Natl WesternUS GRSG Sagebrush Focal Areas

Metadata Updated: September 17, 2024

This dataset is a modified version of the FWS developed data depicting “Highly Important Landscapes”, as outlined in Memorandum FWS/AES/058711 and provided to the Wildlife Habitat Spatial analysis Lab on October 29th 2014. Other names and acronyms used to refer to this dataset have included: Areas of Significance (AoSs - name of GIS data set provided by FWS), Strongholds (FWS), and Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFAs - BLM). The BLM will refer to these data as Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFAs). Data were provided as a series of ArcGIS map packages which, when extracted, contained several datasets each. Based on the recommendation of the FWS Geographer/Ecologist (email communication, see data originator for contact information) the dataset called “Outiline_AreasofSignificance” was utilized as the source for subsequent analysis and refinement. Metadata was not provided by the FWS for this dataset. For detailed information regarding the dataset’s creation refer to Memorandum FWS/AES/058711 or contact the FWS directly. Several operations and modifications were made to this source data, as outlined in the “Description” and “Process Step” sections of this metadata file. Generally: The source data was named by the Wildlife Habitat Spatial Analysis Lab to identify polygons as described (but not identified in the GIS) in the FWS memorandum. The Nevada/California EIS modified portions within their decision space in concert with local FWS personnel and provided the modified data back to the Wildlife Habitat Spatial Analysis Lab. Gaps around Nevada State borders, introduced by the NVCA edits, were then closed as was a large gap between the southern Idaho & southeast Oregon present in the original dataset. Features with an area below 40 acres were then identified and, based on FWS guidance, either removed or retained. Finally, guidance from BLM WO resulted in the removal of additional areas, primarily non-habitat with BLM surface or subsurface management authority. Data were then provided to each EIS for use in FEIS development. Based on guidance from WO, SFAs were to be limited to BLM decision space (surface/sub-surface management areas) within PHMA. Each EIS was asked to provide the limited SFA dataset back to the National Operations Center to ensure consistent representation and analysis. Returned SFA data, modified by each individual EIS, was then consolidated at the BLM’s National Operations Center retaining the three standardized fields contained in this dataset.Several Modifications from the original FWS dataset have been made. Below is a summary of each modification.1. The data as received from FWS: 16,514,163 acres & 1 record.2. Edited to name SFAs by Wildlife Habitat Spatial Analysis Lab:Upon receipt of the “Outiline_AreasofSignificance” dataset from the FWS, a copy was made and the one existing & unnamed record was exploded in an edit session within ArcMap. A text field, “AoS_Name”, was added. Using the maps provided with Memorandum FWS/AES/058711, polygons were manually selected and the “AoS_Name” field was calculated to match the names as illustrated. Once all polygons in the exploded dataset were appropriately named, the dataset was dissolved, resulting in one record representing each of the seven SFAs identified in the memorandum.3. The NVCA EIS made modifications in concert with local FWS staff. Metadata and detailed change descriptions were not returned with the modified data. Contact Leisa Wesch, GIS Specialist, BLM Nevada State Office, 775-861-6421,, for details.4. Once the data was returned to the Wildlife Habitat Spatial Analysis Lab from the NVCA EIS, gaps surrounding the State of NV were closed. These gaps were introduced by the NVCA edits, exacerbated by them, or existed in the data as provided by the FWS. The gap closing was performed in an edit session by either extending each polygon towards each other or by creating a new polygon, which covered the gap, and merging it with the existing features. In addition to the gaps around state boundaries, a large area between the S. Idaho and S.E. Oregon SFAs was filled in. To accomplish this, ADPP habitat (current as of January 2015) and BLM GSSP SMA data were used to create a new polygon representing PHMA and BLM management that connected the two existing SFAs.5. In an effort to simplify the FWS dataset, features whose areas were less than 40 acres were identified and FWS was consulted for guidance on possible removal. To do so, features from #4 above were exploded once again in an ArcMap edit session. Features whose areas were less than forty acres were selected and exported (770 total features). This dataset was provided to the FWS and then returned with specific guidance on inclusion/exclusion via email by Lara Juliusson ( The specific guidance was:a. Remove all features whose area is less than 10 acresb. Remove features identified as slivers (the thinness ratio was calculated and slivers identified by Lara Juliusson according to and whose area was less than 20 acres.c. Remove features with areas less than 20 acres NOT identified as slivers and NOT adjacent to other features.d. Keep the remainder of features identified as less than 40 acres.To accomplish “a” and “b”, above, a simple selection was applied to the dataset representing features less than 40 acres. The select by location tool was used, set to select identical, to select these features from the dataset created in step 4 above. The records count was confirmed as matching between the two data sets and then these features were deleted. To accomplish “c” above, a field (“AdjacentSH”, added by FWS but not calculated) was calculated to identify features touching or intersecting other features. A series of selections was used: first to select records 6. Based on direction from the BLM Washington Office, the portion of the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument (UMRBNM) that was included in the FWS SFA dataset was removed. The BLM NOC GSSP NLCS dataset was used to erase these areas from #5 above. Resulting sliver polygons were also removed and geometry was repaired.7. In addition to removing UMRBNM, the BLM Washington Office also directed the removal of Non-ADPP habitat within the SFAs, on BLM managed lands, falling outside of Designated Wilderness’ & Wilderness Study Areas. An exception was the retention of the Donkey Hills ACEC and adjacent BLM lands. The BLM NOC GSSP NLCS datasets were used in conjunction with a dataset containing all ADPP habitat, BLM SMA and BLM sub-surface management unioned into one file to identify and delete these areas.8. The resulting dataset, after steps 2 – 8 above were completed, was dissolved to the SFA name field yielding this feature class with one record per SFA area.9. Data were provided to each EIS for use in FEIS allocation decision data development.10. Data were subset to BLM decision space (surface/sub-surface) within PHMA by each EIS and returned to the NOC.11. Due to variations in field names and values, three standardized fields were created and calculated by the NOC:a. SFA Name – The name of the SFA.b. Subsurface – Binary “Yes” or “No” to indicated federal subsurface estate.c. SMA – Represents BLM, USFS, other federal and non-federal surface management 12. The consolidated data (with standardized field names and values) were dissolved on the three fields illustrated above and geometry was repaired, resulting in this dataset.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: us-pd

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Metadata Created Date June 1, 2023
Metadata Updated Date September 17, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from DOI EDI

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date June 1, 2023
Metadata Updated Date September 17, 2024
Publisher Bureau of Land Management
Data First Published 2022-06-17T06:27:12Z
Data Last Modified 2022-06-17T18:27:17.169Z
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 010:04
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 94a267a7-7432-49b5-b4eb-0c507d72edae
Harvest Source Id 52bfcc16-6e15-478f-809a-b1bc76f1aeda
Harvest Source Title DOI EDI
Homepage URL
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial -119.4458,40.2325,-106.6377,48.3913
Program Code 010:000
Publisher Hierarchy White House > U.S. Department of the Interior > Bureau of Land Management
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash b7a5430e7072facc0b85094183d2e9a2d24f97ab840c6e06dcb90d725780a2ee
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": -119.4458, 40.2325, -119.4458, 48.3913, -106.6377, 48.3913, -106.6377, 40.2325, -119.4458, 40.2325}

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