BLM Natl MLRS Oil and Gas Leases recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains oil and gas leases cases derived from Legal Land Descriptions (LLD) contained in the US Bureau of Land Management's, BLM, Mineral and Land... -
BLM National Public Land Survey System Polygons NGDA recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System including both rectangular and non-rectangular surveys. The primary source for the data is... -
BLM Natl MLRS Mining Claims - Not Closed recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains mining claim cases with the case disposition (status) of anything other than closed from US Bureau of Land Management's, BLM, Mineral and Land... -
BLM Natl Recreation Site Points recent views
Department of the Interior —
This feature class represents the point features that show the physical locations of BLM National Recreation Sites. The general types of recreation point features... -
BLM National SMA Surface Management Agency Area Polygons NGDA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Surface Management Agency (SMA) Geographic Information System (GIS) dataset depicts Federal land for the United States and classifies this land by its active... -
BLM NM Mineral Ownership recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data was collected by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in New Mexico at both the New Mexico State Office and at the various field offices. This dataset... -
BLM Natl AIM Riparian and Wetland Indicators Hub recent views
Department of the Interior —
This feature class includes monitoring data collected nationally to understand the status, condition, and trend of resources on BLM lands. Data are collected in... -
BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Intersected Polygon Hub recent views
Department of the Interior —
PLSSIntersected: This dataset represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System including both rectangular and non-rectangular surveys. The primary source... -
BLM AK Native Allotment Selection recent views
Department of the Interior —
In Alaska, the Bureau of Land Management has been tasked with the largest land transfer effort ever taken in the United States. For more than 30 years, the BLM has... -
BLM Colorado Grazing Allotments recent views
Department of the Interior —
The purpose of this polygon feature class is to show BLM Colorado Grazing Allotments, which are areas of land designated and managed for grazing of livestock. It may... -
BLM Natl WesternUS GRSG ROD Habitat Mgmt Areas August 2022 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset represents the consolidated submissions of GRSG habitat management areas from each individual BLM ARMP & ARMPA/Records of Decision (ROD) and for... -
BLM ES PLSSSecondDivision recent views
Department of the Interior —
The second division of the PLSS is quarter, quarter-quarter, sixteenth or government lot division of the PLSS. The second and third divisions are combined into this... -
BLM Natl MLRS Geothermal Leases recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains geothermal leases cases derived from Legal Land Descriptions (LLD) contained in the US Bureau of Land Management's, BLM, Mineral and Land Record... -
BLM CO PLSS First Division Section recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) First Division is commonly as the section. This is the first set of divisions for a PLSS Township. This dataset represents the... -
BLM Natl NLCS National Monuments National Conservation Areas Polygons recent views
Department of the Interior —
This polygon feature class represents the spatial extent and boundaries of the BLM National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) National Monuments, National... -
BLM ID Surface Management Agency recent views
Department of the Interior —
This spatial data contains Surface Management Agency (SMA, also sometimes called Land Status) information for Idaho from the Idaho Bureau of Land Management (BLM).... -
BLM ID Grazing Allotments recent views
Department of the Interior —
This feature class depicts the boundaries of the livestock grazing allotments under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Bureau of Land Management. A pasture is a sub-unit... -
BLM NV PLSS CADNSDI Version 2 Township Polygon recent views
Department of the Interior —
BLM NV PLSSTownship: This dataset represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System including both rectangular and non-rectangular surveys. The primary... -
BLM ID Range Improvement Point recent views
Department of the Interior —
This geodatabase of point, line and polygon features is an effort to consolidate all of the range improvement locations on BLM-managed land in Idaho into one... -
BLM Idaho Greater Sage-grouse Habitat 2022 Hub recent views
Department of the Interior —
The 2022 Sage-grouse Habitat Planning Map update incorporates wildfire data and other edits relevant to the 2022 field and fire season as per typical processes used...