40Ar/39Ar geochronology data from the Ladue River-Mount Fairbanks area, eastern Alaska recent views
40Ar/39Ar geochronology data from the Ladue River-Mount Fairbanks area, eastern Alaska, Raw Data File 2024-32, provides 40Ar/39Ar geochronology results from rock samples... -
Zircon geochronology of Torok and Nanushuk Formations sandstones at Slope Mountain and a Seabee Formation tephra deposit at Ninuluk Bluff, central North Slope, Alaska recent views
Zircon geochronology of Torok and Nanushuk Formations sandstones at Slope Mountain and a Seabee Formation tephra deposit at Ninuluk Bluff, central North Slope, Alaska, Raw Data... -
Geologic investigation of the Western Tanacross and Taylor Mountain areas, Tanacross and Eagle quadrangles, Alaska recent views
Geologic investigation of the Western Tanacross and Taylor Mountain areas, Tanacross and Eagle quadrangles, Alaska, Preliminary Interpretive Report 2024-6, presents a bedrock... -
Lidar-derived elevation data for Ketchikan, Southeast Alaska, collected August 29, 2024 recent views
Lidar-derived elevation data for Ketchikan, Southeast Alaska, collected August 29, 2024, Raw Data File 2024-31, releases classified point cloud derived from aerial lidar, along... -
Surficial-geologic map of the Kivalina area, northwest Alaska recent views
Surficial-geologic map of the Kivalina area, northwest Alaska, Preliminary Interpretive Report 2024-8, shows the distribution of unconsolidated deposits and bedrock exposed at... -
Geology and geologic hazards in the Whittier area, Southcentral Alaska recent views
Geology and geologic hazards in the Whittier area, Southcentral Alaska, Preliminary Interpretive Report 2024-10, presents mapping of surficial and bedrock geology and a general... -
Seward Peninsula airborne electromagnetic survey, Kigluiak, Bendeleben, and Darby Mountains recent views
Seward Peninsula airborne electromagnetic survey, Kigluiak, Bendeleben, and Darby Mountains, Geophysical Report 2024-2, covers parts of the Teller, Bendeleben, Nome, and Solomon... -
Soil index properties and radiocarbon ages of the Haines-Takshanuk Mountains-Chilkat Peninsula area statemap project, Southeast Alaska recent views
Soil index properties and radiocarbon ages of the Haines-Takshanuk Mountains-Chilkat Peninsula area statemap project, Southeast Alaska, Raw Data File 2024-27, provides sample... -
Rock strength properties of the Haines-Takshanuk Mountains-Chilkat Peninsula area statemap project, Southeast Alaska recent views
Rock strength properties of the Haines-Takshanuk Mountains-Chilkat Peninsula area statemap project, Southeast Alaska, Raw Data File 2024-28, provides Schmidt hammer testing data... -
Zircon U-Pb ages of the Valdez Group and the Passage Canal and Billings plutons from the Passage Canal area of Prince William Sound, Alaska recent views
Zircon U-Pb ages of the Valdez Group and the Passage Canal and Billings plutons from the Passage Canal area of Prince William Sound, Alaska, Raw Data File 2024-29, provides... -
Apatite fission-track ages for the Valdez Goup and the Passage Canal and the Billings plutons from the Passage Canal area of Prince William Sound, Alaska recent views
Apatite fission-track ages for the Valdez Goup and the Passage Canal and the Billings plutons from the Passage Canal area of Prince William Sound, Alaska, Raw Data File 2024-30,... -
Field station locations and data for the geologic map of the Haines-Takshanuk Mountains-Chilkat Peninsula area STATEMAP project, southeast Alaska, collected in 2022 and 2023 recent views
Field station locations and data for the geologic map of the Haines-Takshanuk Mountains-Chilkat Peninsula area STATEMAP project, southeast Alaska, collected in 2022 and 2023,... -
Major oxide and trace element analyses for rock samples from the Haines-Takshanuk Mountains-Chilkat Peninsula area STATEMAP project, southeast Alaska recent views
Major oxide and trace element analyses for rock samples from the Haines-Takshanuk Mountains-Chilkat Peninsula area STATEMAP project, southeast Alaska, Raw Data File 2024-18,... -
Surficial geologic map of the Circle mining district, Alaska recent views
Surficial geologic map of the Circle mining district, Alaska, Report of Investigation 95-2C, presents results from a geologic investigation of surficial deposits in parts of the... -
Surficial geology and geohazards in the Alaska Highway corridor, Alaska recent views
Surficial geology and geohazards in the Alaska Highway corridor, Alaska, Professional Report 124, presents geologic mapping along the Alaska Highway corridor from Delta Junction... -
Surficial geologic map of the Juneau urban area and vicinity, Alaska recent views
Surficial geologic map of the Juneau urban area and vicinity, Alaska, Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 885, presents results from a geologic investigation of surficial... -
Surficial-geologic map of the Big Hurrah-Council Bluff area, southern Seward Peninsula, Alaska recent views
Surficial-geologic map of the Big Hurrah-Council Bluff area, southern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, Report of Investigation 2024-6, shows the distribution of unconsolidated deposits... -
Geologic map of the Talkeetna Mountains C-4 Quadrangle and adjoining areas, central Alaska recent views
Geologic map of the Talkeetna Mountains C-4 Quadrangle and adjoining areas, central Alaska, Preliminary Interpretive Report 2015-6, presents 1:50,000 scale geologic mapping of... -
Preliminary description and interpretation of the Doone Creek fault and associated structures: The potential offset and northeastward continuation of the Bruin Bay fault system in the south-central Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska recent views
Preliminary description and interpretation of the Doone Creek fault and associated structures: The potential offset and northeastward continuation of the Bruin Bay fault system... -
Photogrammetry-derived orthoimagery and elevation data in Tuntutuliak, Alaska, collected June 8, 2023 recent views
Photogrammetry-derived orthoimagery and elevation data in Tuntutuliak, Alaska, collected June 8, 2023, Raw Data File 2024-24, provides low-altitude aerial images from an...