Water quality and seagrass datasets for Estuarine Nutrient Enrichment Monitoring Data Analysis—Trend Analysis for Northeast Coastal and Barrier (NCBN) I&M Network Parks recent views
Department of the Interior —
Tabular datasets in text format (.CSV) containing data on water quality (discrete and continuous) and seagrass extent and health. -
Point Sampling Data from Eelgrass (Zostera marina), Seaweeds and Selected Invertebrates at Six Embayments and Two Islands at the End of the Alaska Peninsula recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset is from surveys for the abundance and distribution of eelgrass and seaweeds that were made at six embayments and two offshore islands at the southwestern... -
Data collected in 2010 to evaluate habitat availability for surf smelt and eelgrass in response to sea level rise on Bainbridge Island, Puget Sound, Washington, USA recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset includes biological variables showing surf smelt spawning presence, geological variables describing beach composition, and sample locations using RTK-... -
Habitat Classification Data of Five Bays Along the West Coast of Baja California, Mexico recent views
Department of the Interior —
Provided here are raster geospatial data from five bays along the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico (Bahia San Quintin, Laguna Ojo de Liebre, Estero... -
Point Sampling Data for Eelgrass (Zostera marina) and Widgeongrass (Ruppia marina) Abundance in Embayments of the North Pacific Coast of Baja California, Mexico recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data are in seven tables relating to surveys of eelgrass (Zostera marina) and widgeongrass ((Ruppia maritima) beds in embayments of the north Pacific coast of... -
Estuarine Nutrient Enrichment Tier-3 Seagrass Monitoring Data for Assateague Island National Seashore through 2021 (Certified) recent views
Department of the Interior —
As part of the Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network's Estuarine Nutrient Enrichment Monitoring program, Network staff and cooperators continued to monitor seagrass... -
Point Sampling Data for Eelgrass (Zostera marina) and Seaweed Distribution and Abundance in Bays Adjacent to the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 2008-2010 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data are in six tables relating to surveys of eelgrass beds in three bays adjacent to Togiak National Wildlife Refuge, in southwestern Alaska. The tables... -
Sampling Data for Eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Norma Bay, Izembek Lagoon, Alaska, 1987 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data are related to surveys of eelgrass beds in Norma Bay, Izembek Lagoon, Alaska. The table provides eelgrass shoot lengths and density measurements from... -
Point Sampling Data for Eelgrass (Zostera marina) and Seaweed Distribution and Abundance in Bays Adjacent to the Alaska Peninsula-Becharof National Wildlife Refuges, Alaska, 2010 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data are in six tables relating to surveys of eelgrass beds in Chignik Lagoon and Mud Bay, Alaska Peninsula-Becharof National Wildlife Refuges. The tables... -
Mapping Data of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Distribution, Togiak National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska recent views
Department of the Interior —
Provided here are two vector geospatial datasets that characterize the distribution of eelgrass (Zostera marina) and seaweeds in waters adjacent to Togiak National... -
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Microsatellite DNA Data, Pacific Coast of North America, 2000-2009 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set contains genetic information collected from eelgrass (Zostera marina) populations along the Pacific coast of North America from Alaska to Baha... -
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Maps from 2016 and 2020, Izembek Lagoon, Alaska recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data package includes 40 geospatial rasters (maps) depicting various metrics about eelgrass (Zostera marina) coverage at Izembek Lagoon, Alaska, during 2016 and... -
Point Sampling for Eelgrass (Zostera marina) and Seaweeds in Duchikthluk and Shoal Bays of Nunivak Island, Alaska, 2010 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data are in seven tables relating to surveys of eelgrass beds in Duchikthluk and Shoal Bays of Nunivak Island, Alaska. The tables provide environmental... -
Estuarine Nutrient Enrichment Tier-3 Seagrass Monitoring Data for Cape Cod National Seashore though 2021 (Certified) recent views
Department of the Interior —
As part of the Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network's Estuarine Nutrient Enrichment Monitoring program, Network staff and cooperators continued to monitor seagrass... -
Mapping Data of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Distribution, Alaska Peninsula and Nunivak Island recent views
Department of the Interior —
Provided here are two vector geospatial datasets that characterize the distribution of: (1) eelgrass (Zostera marina) and (2) seaweeds in waters adjacent to four... -
Data for Macrophyte Community Response to Nitrogen Loading and Thermal Stressors in Rapidly Flushed Mesocosm Systems recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Data represent response variables from a series of mesocosm experiments to assess how estuarine macrophyte communities respond to nitrogen loading under two different... -
Point Sampling Data for Eelgrass (Zostera marina) and Seaweed Distribution and Abundance in Bays Adjacent to the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data package is comprised of nine tables relating to surveys of eelgrass beds in Izembek and Kinzarof Lagoons, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. The... -
Detection of Seagrass Pathogens Using Environmental DNA (eDNA), North Pacific, 2016-present recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set is comprised of one table with sampling information and NCBI BioProject accession numbers for sequence information of this amplicon-based study... -
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Percent Cover Data from Katmai National Park and Preserve, Kenai Fjords National Park, and Prince William Sound, Alaska recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data are part of the Gulf Watch Alaska (GWA) long-term monitoring program, nearshore monitoring component. The dataset has one comma separated values (.csv)... -
Mapping Data of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Distribution, Baja California, Mexico recent views
Department of the Interior —
Provided here are three vector geospatial datasets that characterize the distribution of (1) eelgrass (Zostera marina), (2) salt marshes, and (3) mangroves in three...