Divorce Mediation and Domestic Violence in the United States, 1993 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study gathered data on policies and procedures for identifying domestic violence issues among divorcing couples and examined divorce mediation practices and... -
National Portrait of Domestic Violence Courts recent views
Department of Justice —
The study was designed to create a portrait of domestic violence courts across America, specifically courtroom policies, procedures and goals were examined as... -
Victim Participation in Intimate Partner Violence Prosecution - Implications for Safety: Kalamazoo County, Michigan, 1999-2002 recent views
Department of Justice —
This longitudinal mixed-methods study examined to what extent female intimate partner violence (IPV) victim participation in prosecution was associated with their... -
Environmental Scan of Family Justice Centers in the United States, 2016-2017 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they were received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
Criminal Protective Orders as a Critical Strategy to Reduce Domestic Violence, Connecticut, 2012-2016 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they were received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
Evaluation of the Lexington County, South Carolina, Domestic Violence Court, 1997-2002 recent views
Department of Justice —
A separate Criminal Domestic Violence Court (CDVC) was established in Lexington County, South Carolina, in November 1999, to hold perpetrators of domestic violence... -
The Effectiveness of Coordinated Outreach in Intimate Partner Violence Cases in Denver, Colorado 2007 to 2009 recent views
Department of Justice —
In collaboration with community- and system-based partners, the current study used an experimental design to test the impact of phone outreach from community-based... -
Impact of Constitutional and Statutory Protection on Crime Victims' Rights in Four States in the United States, 1995 recent views
Department of Justice —
This survey of crime victims was undertaken to determine whether state constitutional amendments and other legal measures designed to protect crime victims' rights... -
Providing a Citywide System of Single Point Access to Domestic Violence Information, Resources, and Referrals to a Diverse Population: An Evaluation of the City of Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line, 2004-2005 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study was a 2-year evaluation of the City of Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line. The Help Line was a unique telephone service functioning as a clearinghouse for... -
Evaluation of Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies for Domestic Violence Cases in the State College, Pennsylvania, Police Department, 1999-2000 recent views
Department of Justice —
This project was an 18-month long research-practitioner partnership to conduct a process evaluation of the State College Police Department's implementation of a grant... -
Benefits and Limitations of Civil Protection Orders for Victims of Domestic Violence in Wilmington, Delaware, Denver, Colorado, and the District of Columbia, 1994-1995 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study was designed to explore whether civil protection orders were effective in providing safer environments for victims of domestic violence and enhancing their... -
Evaluating a Collaborative Intervention Between Health Care and Criminal Justice in Harris County, Texas, 2001-2002 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study sought to evaluate the Advocacy-Case Management Intervention designed to increase victim safety and the efficiency of the protection order process. The... -
Statewide Profile of Abuse of Older Women and the Criminal Justice Response in Rhode Island, 2002 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study examined the often overlooked and under reported issue of elder abuse. The research focused on female victims of domestic abuse over 50 years of age. The... -
National Evaluation of the Arrest Policies Program Under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), 1996-2000 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of the Arrest Policies Program, funded by the Violence Against Women Office (VAWO), on criminal justice system... -
Evaluating a Multi-Disciplinary Response to Domestic Violence in Colorado Springs, 1996-1999 recent views
Department of Justice —
The Colorado Springs Police Department formed a nontraditional domestic violence unit in 1996 called the Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team (DVERT). This unit... -
Evaluation of the Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Program [United States], 2010-2012 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they there received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
Impact of Proactive Enforcement of No-Contact Orders on Victim Safety and Repeat Victimization in Lexington County, South Carolina, 2005-2008 recent views
Department of Justice —
The study focused on domestic violence victims whose alleged batterers were free on bond with a no-contact order (NCO) as a condition of their release in Lexington... -
Evaluation of GPS Monitoring Technologies and Domestic Violence in the United States, 2001-2009 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study examines the implementation and effectiveness of Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring technology to enforce court mandated "no contact" orders in... -
National Evaluation of the National Institute of Justice Grants to Combat Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus Program, 2000-2002 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study was undertaken as a process evaluation of the Grants to Combat Violence Against Women on Campus Program (Campus Program), which was conducted by the... -
Evaluation of No-Drop Policies for Domestic Violence Cases in San Diego, California, Omaha, Nebraska, Klamath Falls, Oregon, and Everett, Washington, 1996-2000 recent views
Department of Justice —
This study sought to examine the effects of no-drop policies on court outcomes, victim satisfaction with the justice system, and feelings of safety. Moreover,...