Specific Water Quality Sites for Uintah County, Utah recent views
Department of the Interior —
This map shows specific water-quality items and hydrologic data site information which come from QWDATA (Water Quality) and GWSI (Ground Water Information System).... -
Hydrologic Data Sites for Uintah County, Utah recent views
Department of the Interior —
This map shows the USGS (United States Geologic Survey), NWIS (National Water Inventory System) Hydrologic Data Sites for Uintah County, Utah. The scope and purpose... -
Lumped parameter models of groundwater age and noble gas models of recharge conditions in support of Groundwater and Surface-Water Resources near Red Fleet Reservoir, Uintah County, UtahLumped parameter models of groundwater age and noble gas models of recharge conditions in support of Groundwater and Surface-Water Resources near Red Fleet Reservoir, Uintah County, Utah recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release documents four Microsoft Excel tables; one contains data for understanding water ages, one contains noble gas model data, two that describe the data... -
Groundwater-withdrawal and well-construction data in the Upper Colorado River Basin from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming state databases, 1980–2022 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The U.S. Geological Survey developed a coupled groundwater and surface-water flow (GSFLOW) model to represent the aquifers of the Colorado Plateau and Upper Colorado...