Louisville Metro KY - Animal Tag data 2010 to 2015 Historical recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
Animal Services Provides for the care and control of animals in the Louisville Metro area, including pet licensing and pet adoption.Data Dictionary:animal id -... -
FNMOC Wind and Ekman Transport Data, 360x180, Monthly, from 6-hr Pressure recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Global monthly derived winds and Ekman transports can be obtained for any point on the ocean (Northern Hemisphere: 1967 - present, Southern Hemisphere: 1981 -... -
NOAA AOML PMEL Hurricane Monitoring 2024 NRT Saildrone 1040 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
(1) Real-time steering of USVs toward tropical cyclones and other strong low-pressure systems, based on forecasted tracks and the knowledge and experience gained from... -
Louisville Metro KY –The Court Eviction Diversion Program recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
The Court Eviction Diversion Program provides financial assistance for both past due and future rent for households below 80% of area median income who are facing... -
NOAA AOML PMEL Hurricane Monitoring 2024 NRT Saildrone 1068 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
(1) Real-time steering of USVs toward tropical cyclones and other strong low-pressure systems, based on forecasted tracks and the knowledge and experience gained from... -
NOAA AOML PMEL Hurricane Monitoring 2024 NRT Saildrone 1091 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
(1) Real-time steering of USVs toward tropical cyclones and other strong low-pressure systems, based on forecasted tracks and the knowledge and experience gained from... -
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis (1948-present) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1 project is using a state-of-the-art analysis/forecast system to perform data assimilation using past data from 1948 to the present. Data is... -
Louisville Metro KY - List of Locations with COVID Related Random Survey With No Violations recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
This is a list of locations of which the following conditions apply:ACTIVITY TYPE ID 4 SURVEY – Surveillance was conducted on the business and no violations were... -
Louisville Metro KY Animal Services Intake Historical recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
{{description}} -
Louisville Metro KY - Industrial Construction Permits recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District (APCD) industrial permits are applications for a permit to operate equipment that emits or controls the emission of... -
Louisville Metro KY - Animal License Historical recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
Animal Services Provides for the care and control of animals in the Louisville Metro area, including pet licensing and pet adoption.Data Dictionary:Year - The year... -
Louisville Metro KY - Active Permits recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
The Office of Construction Review is responsible for oversight of new construction in Louisville Metro through a review process that includes review of construction... -
Louisville Metro KY - IDIS PR 27 Status of HOME Grants Report recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
Develop Louisville Focuses on the full range of land development activities, including planning and design, vacant property initiatives, advanced planning, housing... -
Louisville Metro KY - LiHEAP Appointment Data recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
The Community Services division encompasses the client-based services including Neighborhood Place, Community Action Partnership, Self-Sufficiency Services, and... -
Louisville Metro KY - Senior Nutrition Waiting List recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
The Community Services division encompasses the client-based services including Neighborhood Place, Community Action Partnership, Self-Sufficiency Services, and... -
Louisville Metro KY - Emergency Home Repairs Over 30 Days (Historical) recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
The Office of Housing and Community Development works to increase the supply of affordable housing. Division staff work with developers and housing non-profit... -
Louisville Metro KY - Building Code Permit Enforcement Cases recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
Codes and Regulations issues and inspects Development Permits (building, electrical, HVAC), enforces Property Maintenance Code (housing) and Land Development Code... -
Louisville Metro KY - Animal Services Intake Historical recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
Animal Services Provides for the care and control of animals in the Louisville Metro area, including pet licensing and pet adoption. -
Louisville Metro KY - Permitted Food Service Types with Subtypes recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
Lists the various types and sub-types of food service establishments.facility_type-Code for facility type. Comprehensive list in Food Service Types with Subtypes and... -
Louisville Metro KY - IDIS PR 02 List of Activities by Program Year and Project recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
Develop Louisville Focuses on the full range of land development activities, including planning and design, vacant property initiatives, advanced planning, housing...