Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in June 2021 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York recent views
Department of the Interior —
An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S.... -
Bathymetry--Offshore Pacifica, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore Pacifica, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshorePacifica.zip,"... -
Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in October 2019 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York: Leg 1 recent views
Department of the Interior —
An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S.... -
BackscatterB [7125]--Offshore Pacifica, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as two separate grids... -
Seafloor character--Offshore of Pacifica, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Pacifica, California. The raster data file is included in "SFC_OffshorePacifica.zip," which is... -
Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Pacifica, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
This part of DS 781 presents data for the hillshaded bathymetry map of Offshore Pacifica, California. The raster data file is included in... -
Contours--Offshore of Pacifica, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is... -
Habitat--Offshore of Pacifica, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in... -
Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in October 2019 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York: Leg 2 recent views
Department of the Interior —
An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S.... -
Folds--Offshore of Pacifica map area, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in... -
BackscatterA [8101]--Offshore Pacifica, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as two separate grids... -
Coastal Single-beam Bathymetry Data Collected in September and October 2019 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York recent views
Department of the Interior —
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS - SPCMSC) in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a single-beam... -
Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in May 2023 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York recent views
Department of the Interior —
An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S.... -
Faults--Offshore of Pacifica map area, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in... -
Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Pacifica map area, California recent views
Department of the Interior —
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in...