DC Office of Tax and Revenue Real Property Assessment Map App recent views
District of Columbia —
The DC Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR), Real Property Tax Administration (RPTA) values all real property in the District... -
BLM National Public Land Survey System Polygons NGDA recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System including both rectangular and non-rectangular surveys. The primary source for the data is... -
Allegheny County Mortgage Foreclosure Records recent views
Allegheny County / City of Pittsburgh / Western PA Regional Data Center —
This data includes filings related to mortgage foreclosure in Allegheny County. The foreclosure process enables a lender to take possession of a property due to an... -
BIA Tract Viewer recent views
Department of the Interior —
BIA Tract Viewer depicts locations of Tribally controlled land mapped to the parcel level for all Land Area Codes (LAC) held in trust or restricted-fee by the United... -
Surface Ownership Parcels, detailed (Feature Layer) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
An area depicting ownership parcels of the surface estate. Each surface ownership parcel is tied to a particular legal transaction. The same individual or... -
Yellowstone National Park Tract and Boundary Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
These ESRI shape files are of National Park Service tract and boundary data that was created by the Land Resources Division. Tracts are numbered and created by the... -
Right of Way (Feature Layer) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
An area depicting a privilege to pass over the land of another in some particular path; usually an easement over the land of another; a strip of land used in this way... -
Yosemite National Park Tract and Boundary Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
These ESRI shape files are of National Park Service tract and boundary data that was created by the Land Resources Division. Tracts are numbered and created by the... -
BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Second Division Polygon Hub recent views
Department of the Interior —
PLSSSecondDivision: This data set represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System including both rectangular and non-rectangular surveys. The primary... -
Mount Rainer National Park Tract and Boundary Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
These ESRI shape files are of National Park Service tract and boundary data that was created by the Land Resources Division. Tracts are numbered and created by the... -
Oregon Parcel Database recent views
State of Oregon —
This digital geospatial database contains four data elements as defined in the Cadastral Data Exchange Standard (CDES): tax lot, tax code, map index, and a real... -
Tax Parcels recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here In addition to the Tax Parcel polygons feature class, the hyperlink download above also contains a parcel point data layer... -
Property Assessment Data from Local Assessment Rolls recent views
State of New York —
This dataset is comprised of the final assessment rolls submitted to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance – Office of Real Property Tax Services by... -
BLM NV PLSS CADNSDI Version 2 Township Polygon recent views
Department of the Interior —
BLM NV PLSSTownship: This dataset represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System including both rectangular and non-rectangular surveys. The primary... -
Mojave National Preserve Tract and Boundary Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
These ESRI shape files are of National Park Service tract and boundary data that was created by the Land Resources Division. Tracts are numbered and created by the... -
Jefferson County KY Parcels recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
The parcels boundaries are not legal survey accurate and should be used for general representation only. They are maintained by the Jefferson County Property... -
Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Tract and Boundary Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
These ESRI shape files are of National Park Service tract and boundary data that was created by the Land Resources Division. Tracts are numbered and created by the... -
BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Intersected Polygon Hub recent views
Department of the Interior —
PLSSIntersected: This dataset represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System including both rectangular and non-rectangular surveys. The primary source... -
Surface Ownership Parcels (Feature Layer) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
An area depicted as surface ownership parcels dissolved on the same ownership classification. Metadata