Raw data for urban trees in California communities recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This study used data from field plots in urban areas to describe forest structure (e.g., tree numbers, density, basal area, species composition) for six land use... -
Raw urban street tree inventory data for 49 California cities recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This data publication contains urban tree inventory data for 929,823 street trees that were collected from 2006 to 2013 in 49 California cities. Fifty six urban tree... -
Holt Research Forest regeneration data recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This data publication contains regeneration data collected at the Holt Research Forest (HRF) in Maine between 1984 and 2010. The study area is comprised of 40... -
Supporting data for Morphologic plasticity and increasing competition explain deviation from the Metabolic Scaling Theory in semi-arid conifer forests, southwestern USA recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This data publication includes tree measurements taken 2008-2010 in three mixed conifer forests: the Pinaleno Mountains and Santa Catalina Mountains in southeastern... -
Raster surfaces created from the cost-effective mapping of longleaf extent and condition using NAIP imagery and FIA data project recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This data publication contains twenty-four GeoTIFF files for four significant geographic areas (SGAs) in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. The extent of the SGAs are... -
Mechanisms of aquatic species invasions across the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative region recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database (NAS) information resource is an established central repository for spatially referenced biogeographic accounts of... -
Season and interval of burning and cattle exclusion in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon: Overstory tree height, diameter and growth recent views
Department of Agriculture —
These data document overstory tree height, diameter and growth for a prescribed burning study with unburned controls on the Malheur National Forest in the southern... -
Tree and shrub measurements in Stanislaus National Forest and Yosemite National Park, collected in 1911 and 20052013 recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This data publication contains tabular data with repeat measurements of tree and shrub data for a set of transects located in Stanislaus National Forest (STF) and... -
Wind and slope effects on laboratory-scale fire behavior recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Wind and slope interaction effects on rate of spread, flame length and flame angle were examined in 65 fires in an open-topped tilting wind tunnel. Fuel beds... -
Chaparral shrub bulk density and fire behavior recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This data publication contains bulk density measurements from two typical species of chaparral shrub which were harvested in 2010 from the North Mountain Experimental... -
Tree demography records and last recorded fire dates from the Pinaleno Demography Project, Arizona USA recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This data publication includes tree measurements taken from 2008-2013 across a gradient of forest types in the Pinaleno Mountains in southeastern Arizona, USA. Tree... -
Season and interval of burning and cattle exclusion in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon: Understory vegetation attributes recent views
Department of Agriculture —
These data document understory vegetation cover, richness and regeneration tree counts for a prescribed burning study with unburned controls on the Malheur National... -
Expected change in suitable habitat for riparian species along the Rio Grande in New Mexico under changing climate recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt 3.3.3) methods were used to estimate expected change in suitable habitat for 12 different wildlife species under changing climate along the... -
Chaparral biomass measurements in the Cleveland National Forest recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This data publication provides plot-based measurements of: stem diameter for each stem > 0.4 centimeters on every sampled shrub, shrub status at time of sampling... -
Overstory and regeneration data from the Rehabilitation of cutover mixedwood stands study at the Penobscot Experimental Forest recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This data package contains crop tree, overstory, sapling, and regeneration data collected between 2008 and 2012 as part of the project titled 'Rehabilitation of... -
Bartlett Experimental Forest permanent cruise plot data recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This data publication contains overstory tree measurements collected between 1931 and 2003 at the Bartlett Experimental Forest in Bartlett, New Hampshire. These... -
Long-term site responses to season and interval of underburns on the Georgia Piedmont recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Between 1987 and 1988, twenty-four approximately 2-acre plots were established in Jones County, Georgia on the Hitchiti Experimental Forest which is also known as the...