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6 datasets found
  • Federal

    MSX ZODIACAL DUST DATA V1.0    recent views

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration —

    The Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) mid-infrared emission measurements from the zodiacal dust cloud in spectral bands centered at 8.3 12, 15, and 21 microns.
  • Federal

    MSX LUNAR ECLIPSE OBSERVATION V1.0    recent views

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration —

    The Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) lunar eclipse observation on September 27, 1996 resulted in six 4.3 micron brightness temperature maps of the moon. In addition,...
  • Federal

    MSX ZODIACAL DUST DATA V1.0    recent views

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration —

    The Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) mid-infrared emission measurements from the zodiacal dust cloud in spectral bands centered at 8.3 12, 15, and 21 microns.
  • Federal

    MSX SMALL BODIES IMAGES V1.0    recent views

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration —

    Eight comets, two transition objects, and two near-Earth asteroids were imaged in six infrared bands with the Spirit III instrument on the Midcourse Space Experiment...
  • Federal

    MSX LUNAR ECLIPSE OBSERVATION V1.0    recent views

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration —

    The Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) lunar eclipse observation on September 27, 1996 resulted in six 4.3 micron brightness temperature maps of the moon. In addition,...
  • Federal

    MSX SMALL BODIES IMAGES V1.0    recent views

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration —

    Eight comets, two transition objects, and two near-Earth asteroids were imaged in six infrared bands with the Spirit III instrument on the Midcourse Space Experiment...
6 datasets found

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