Summary drainage basin and low-flow characteristics in gaged Hawaii streams and summary rainfall projections for the late 21st century and associated changes in low flows and usable habitat for native stream fauna in gaged and ungaged Maui, HI streams recent views
Department of the Interior —
The spreadsheets associated with this metadata file represent: (Tab 1) Streamflow and drainage basin characteristics of selected gaged steams in Hawaii used to... -
Summary drainage basin and low-flow characteristics in gaged Hawaii streams and summary rainfall projections for the late 21st century and associated changes in low flows and usable habitat for native stream fauna in gaged and ungaged Maui, HI streams recent views
Department of the Interior —
The spreadsheets associated with this metadata file represent: (Tab 1) Streamflow and drainage basin characteristics of selected gaged steams in Hawaii used to... -
Data Files for the Development of Regional Regression Equations for Flow-Duration Statistics and N-day Low-Flow Frequencies for Ungaged Stream Locations in Puerto Rico Using Data Through Water Year 2018 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Flow-duration statistics at the 99th, 98th, 95th, 90th, 80th, 70th, 60th, and 50th percent exceedance probabilities and annual n-day low-flow statistics for the 1-,... -
Low-Flow Period Seasonality, Trends, and Climate Linkages Across the United States Data Release recent views
Department of the Interior —
This metadata record describes data that characterize low-flow period duration and seasonality, as well as trends and climate linkages at streamgages across the... -
Puerto Rico N-day Low-Flow Regression Files recent views
Department of the Interior —
A generalized least squares (GLS) technique was used with at-site n-day low-flow time series and frequencies, from SWToolbox (Kiang and others, 2018), and 14 basin... -
Puerto Rico Flow-Duration Regression Files recent views
Department of the Interior —
An ordinary least squares (OLS) technique was used with at-site flow-duration exceedance probabilities, from SWToolbox (Kiang and others, 2018), and 14 basin...