Contoured Bathymetry for Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana (PONTCONT) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This is the contoured bathymetry for Lake Pontchartrain created for USGS Professional Paper 1634 by Laura Hayes using Vertical Mapper. -
Acoustic-backscatter data for Jenkinson Lake, California collected during USGS field activity 2023-634-FA recent views
Department of the Interior —
Here July 2023 1-m resolution acoustic-backscatter data are provided for Jenkinson Lake, California. Acoustic-backscatter data were collected during three separate... -
500 meter bathymetric contours of the Gulf of the Farallones region (500mCONTOUR) recent views
Department of the Interior —
In 1989, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began a major geologic and oceanographic investigation of the Gulf of the Farallones continental shelf system, designed to... -
Geophysical Surveys of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, September 2002 - Bathymetric Grid (BATHYGRD.TIF) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Bear Lake is a tectonic lake that has existed for at least several hundred thousand years. The lake basin is a relatively simple half graben, a spoon-shaped... -
John Day Reservoir sediment sample locations and analyses - 2002 recent views
Department of the Interior —
A two-week field operation was conducted in the John Day Reservoir on the Columbia River to image the floor of the pool, to measure the distribution and thickness of... -
Interpretation of road locations in the John Day Reservoir based on sidescan-sonar imagery recent views
Department of the Interior —
A two-week field operation was conducted in the John Day Reservoir on the Columbia River to image the floor of the pool, to measure the distribution and thickness of... -
Acoustic-backscatter data for Jenkinson Lake, California collected during USGS field activity 2022-604-FA recent views
Department of the Interior —
Here January 2022 1-m resolution acoustic-backscatter data are provided for Jenkinson Lake, California. Acoustic-backscatter data were collected during three separate... -
Interpretation of the Surficial Geology of Lake Mead Based on Sidescan-Sonar Imagery, Topography and Sediment Thickness (LAKEMEAD_INTERP.SHP) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Lake Mead is a large interstate reservoir located in the Mojave Desert of southeastern Nevada and northwestern Arizona. It was impounded in 1935 by the construction... -
1-meter swath bathymetric grid collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in Moultonborough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, Esri Binary Grid, WINNI_BATHY) recent views
Department of the Interior —
In freshwater bodies of New Hampshire, the most problematic aquatic invasive plant species is Myriophyllum heterophyllum or variable leaf water-milfoil. Once... -
Shapefile of the postimpoundment sediment limits in Lake Mead recent views
Department of the Interior —
Lake Mead is a large interstate reservoir located in the Mojave Desert of southeastern Nevada and northwestern Arizona. It was impounded in 1935 by the construction... -
Bathymetry data for Jenkinson Lake, California collected during USGS field activity 2023-634-FA recent views
Department of the Interior —
Here July 2023 1-m resolution bathymetry data of Jenkinson Lake, California are provided for the entire lake and 0.5-m resolution bathymetry data are provided for the... -
Multibeam bathymetric data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2018-043-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum, 2-m resolution) recent views
Department of the Interior —
In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment... -
Bathymetric data for Whiskeytown Lake, December 2018 recent views
Department of the Interior —
These metadata describe bathymetric data collected during a December 2018 SWATHPlus survey of Whiskeytown Lake, California. Data were collected and processed by the... -
GNSS locations of lakebed images collected near Dollar Point, Lake Tahoe, CA, March 10 and 11, 2021 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This text file (2021-607-FA_Image_Locations.txt) provides the GNSS antenna location for underwater images collected near Dollar Point, Lake Tahoe, CA, using a... -
Elevation of the bedrock surface within the St. Clair River between Michigan and Ontario, Canada, 2008 (ESRI GRID, DSUELEV) recent views
Department of the Interior —
In 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted a... -
Bathymetric and supporting data for estimation of reservoir storage capacity and geomorphic change detection analysis from a multibeam bathymetric survey of Randy Poynter Lake, Rockdale County, Georgia recent views
Department of the Interior —
Rockdale County Department of Water Resources (RCDWR) has a mission to update estimates of the reservoir storage capacity of Randy Poynter Lake in northern Georgia... -
Point cloud data of Lake Tahoe near Dollar Point recent views
Department of the Interior —
Three-dimensional point clouds (LAZ format) were developed from underwater images collected near Dollar Point in Lake Tahoe, California, and processed using... -
Surface Representing the Floor of Lake Mead and the surrounding area: UTM Projection 10m cellsize recent views
Department of the Interior —
Lake Mead is a large interstate reservoir located in the Mojave Desert of southeastern Nevada and northwestern Arizona. It was impounded in 1935 by the construction... -
Contoured Bathymetry for Lake Maurepas, Louisiana (MAURCONT) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This is the contoured bathymetry for Lake Maurepas created for USGS Professional Paper 1634 by Laura Hayes using Vertical Mapper. -
High-resolution (1m) bathymetry from the Stamp Sands of Lake Superior collected using a Norbit iWBMSh multibeam echosounder during 2021 (GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The erosion and active transport of legacy mine tailings (called “stamp sands”) are impacting native fish species and aquatic habitats on a shallow water rocky reef...