Quick Stats Agricultural Database API recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Quick Stats API is the programmatic interface to the National Agricultural Statistics Service's (NASS) online database containing results from the 1997, 2002, 2007,... -
Quick Stats Agricultural Database recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Quick Stats is the National Agricultural Statistics Service's (NASS) online, self-service tool to access complete results from the 1997, 2002, 2007, and 2012 Censuses... -
LANID: Landsat-based irrigation dataset for CONUS 2018-20 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release provides a monthly irrigation water use reanalysis for the period 2000-20 for all U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Watershed Boundary Dataset of... -
USDA Agricultural Research Service- Patented Crop Production and Crop Protection Technologies recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Recent USDA/ARS patented technologies on crop production and protection that are available for licensing are described, including summary, contact, benefits, and... -
Estimated Monthly Water Use for Irrigation by 12-Digit Hydrologic Unit in the Conterminous United States for 2015 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release contains the output of the Irrigation Water Use Estimation Disaggregation and Downscaling Model (IWUEDD) along with the scripts and data resources... -
Agronomic Calendars for the Bushland, Texas Maize for Grain Datasets recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This dataset consists of agronomic calendars for each growing season (year) when maize (Zea mays, L., also known as corn in the United States) was grown for grain at... -
USDA-ARS Colorado Maize Water Productivity Dataset 2008-2011 recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA-Agricultural Research Service carried out a water productivity field trial for irrigated maize (Zea mays L.) at the Limited Irrigation Research Farm (LIRF)... -
Comparison of methods to detect low levels of Salmonella enterica in surface waters to support antimicrobial resistance surveillance efforts performed in multiple laboratories recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Identifying and developing effective and sensitive detection methods for antimicrobial resistant Salmonella enterica from surface water is a goal of the U.S. National... -
Arid land irrigation in the United States Pacific Northwest for 2001 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This spatial data set was created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to represent the extent of arid land irrigation in the Pacific Northwest region of the United... -
Spreadsheet for lysimeter data analysis, Bushland, Texas recent views
Department of Agriculture —
A spreadsheet was designed for weighing lysimeter raw relative water storage data analysis and reduction to values of evapotranspiration, dew and frost accumulation,... -
Verification Geodatabase of Irrigation Status of Agricultural Lands in Select Areas of Montana, 2019 and 2020 recent views
Department of the Interior —
In 2015, agricultural irrigation withdrawals accounted for about 42 percent of the total freshwater withdrawals in the United States (Dieter and others, 2018).... -
Data for the report Assessing Potential Effects of Changes in Water Use in the Middle Carson River Basin with a Numerical Groundwater-Flow Model, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central Nevada recent views
Department of the Interior —
This USGS data release contains the data from the following publication: Morway, E.D., Buto, S.G., Niswonger, R.G., and Huntington, J.L., 2023, Assessing Potential... -
Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Maui, Hawaii, for predevelopment conditions, 1978–2007 rainfall and 1870 land cover (version 2.0) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The shapefile associated with this metadata file represents the spatial distribution of mean annual water-budget components, in inches, for the Island of Maui,... -
NVND Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network in Sidney, Montana recent views
Department of Agriculture —
NVND Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network in Sidney, Montana Management practices, such as irrigation, tillage, cropping... -
Estimated Use of Water in the United States County-Level Data for 2015 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains water-use estimates for 2015 that are aggregated to the county level in the United States. The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS's) National Water... -
Innovation Lab for Small Scale Irrigation (ILSSI) Biomass Yield Ethiopia 2015: Lemo Observation Site Dataset recent views
US Agency for International Development —
The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Small-Scale Irrigation (ILSSI) project aims to benefit farmers of Ethiopia, Ghana and Tanzania by improving effective use of... -
Estimated crop irrigation water use withdrawals in Willcox Groundwater Basin, Arizona for 2022 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Observations of irrigated agricultural land within the Willcox Groundwater Basin in Arizona. Digitized field boundaries were used to locate crops for in situ... -
Mean annual water-budget components for the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, for average climate conditions, 1978-2007 rainfall and 2010 land cover (version 2.0) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The shapefile associated with this metadata file represents the spatial distribution of mean annual water-budget components, in inches, for the Island of Oahu,...