Remote Order Entry System (ROES) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The Remote Order Entry System (ROES) is the front end of the Denver Acquisition & Logistics Center's (DALC) order fulfillment production system. ROES is used by... -
Nutrient Impaired 303(d) Streams for the Pacific Northwest recent views
Department of the Interior —
Under section 303(d) of the 1972 Clean Water Act, states, territories, and authorized tribes are required to develop lists of impaired waters. These impaired waters... -
ADBNet - Water Quality Assessment Database recent views
State of Iowa —
ADBNet is an online database tracking Iowa's water quality assessments. These assessments are prepared under guidance provided by the US EPA under Section 305b of... -
MO_2016_Section_303d_Listed_Impaired_Rivers_and_Streams_shp recent views
State of Missouri —
This data set contains Missouri's 2016 Section 303(d) Listed Waters - Rivers and Streams and is a list of certain impaired waters in the State of Missouri. The list... -
Traffic Fatalities recent views
State of Oklahoma —
Decrease the rate of traffic fatalities per 100,000,000 vehicle miles traveled from 1.48 in 2012 to 1.33 by 2017. -
Alcohol Impaired Fatalities recent views
State of Oklahoma —
Decrease alcohol impaired fatalities from 205 in 2012 to 185 by 2017. -
Texas Department of Transportation Traffic Safety Data Portal recent views
City of Austin —
See statewide data and traffic safety categories data. -
Impaired 2006 River Lake Estuary Set recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2006 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2006. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired Estuary 2018 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2018 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2018. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired River 2010 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2010 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2010. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired Estuary 2008 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2008 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2008. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired Estuary 2016 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2016 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2016. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired Estuary 2022 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2022 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2022. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired 2018 River, Lake, Estuary Set recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2018 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2018. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired 2008 River Lake Estuary Set recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2008 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2008. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired Lake 2016 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2016 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2016. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired River 2006 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2006 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2006. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired Estuary 2006 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2006 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2006. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired Estuary 2008 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2008 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2008. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT... -
Impaired Estuary 2014 recent views
State of Connecticut —
Connecticut 303(d) Impaired Waters 2014 is a subset of Connecticut 305(b) Assessed Waters 2014. If any one of the assigned designated uses is categorized as NOT...