Annual land surface urban heat island intensity from 1985 to present (collection 1) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) intensity data is intended to quantify the difference between urban surface temperatures and the surrounding non-urban environment.... -
LANDFIRE Remap Forest Canopy Base Height (CBH) HI recent views
Department of the Interior —
LANDFIRE’s (LF) Remap Canopy Base Height (CBH) supplies information used in fire behavior models to determine the critical point at which a surface fire will... -
Oblique Photographs Taken During Low-Altitude Transects of the Arctic Network of National Park Units and Selawik National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, July 2013 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains aerial oblique digital photos taken of the arctic landscape during low altitude photo survey transects in northwest Alaska, July 2013. Three... -
JPEG images of Seismic data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey as part of the Geologic Framework Studies project offshore of the Grand Strand, South Carolina recent views
Department of the Interior —
JPEG images of each seismic line were generated in order to incorporate images of the seismic data into Geographic Information System (GIS) projects and data archives... -
Delaware Atlantic coast, 2022 – Digital Elevation Models recent views
Department of the Interior —
Low altitude (300 meters above ground level (AGL)) digital aerial imagery acquired with a piloted fixed-wing aircraft was processed using Structure-from-Motion (SfM)... -
Multispectral and visual photogrammetric data collected via sUAS: Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia, July 2018 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The U.S. Geological Survey collected multispectral and visible light imagery via a quadcopter, small unoccupied aircraft system (sUAS) deployed near Ashville Bridge... -
Digital Orthorectified Aerial Image of Cottonwood Lake Study Area Wetland P4 from 1983 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Orthorectified image from aerial photograph of wetland P4 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. This image is part of a collection of... -
LANDFIRE 2022 Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) HI recent views
Department of the Interior —
LANDFIRE's (LF) 2022 update (LF 2022) Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) represents the vertically projected percent cover of the live canopy for a 30-m cell. EVC is... -
Lithogeochemistry and images of selected drill core samples from the Mineral Hill alkaline complex, Wyoming recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release contains analytical data and images for a suite of drill core samples from the Mineral Hill alkaline complex (MHAC), northeastern Wyoming.... -
Table and accompanying photographs for biogeomorphic classification of shorebird nesting sites on the U.S. Atlantic coast from May to August, 2014 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Atlantic coast piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nest sites are typically found on low-lying beach and dune systems, which respond rapidly to coastal processes like... -
Bush honeysuckle classified density map from “Remote Sensing of Bush Honeysuckle in the Middle Blue River Basin, Kansas City, Missouri, 2016-2017” recent views
Department of the Interior —
Amur honeysuckle bush (Lonicera maackii) and Morrow's honeysuckle (Lonicera morrowii) are two of the most aggressively invasive species to become established... -
Digital Orthorectified Aerial Image of Cottonwood Lake Study Area Wetland T1 from 2001 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Orthorectified image from aerial photograph of wetland T1 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. This image is part of a collection of... -
Digital Orthorectified Aerial Image of Cottonwood Lake Study Area Wetlands T6 and T7 from 2014 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Orthorectified image from aerial photograph of wetlands T6 and T7 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. This image is part of a collection... -
Digital Orthorectified Aerial Image of Cottonwood Lake Study Area Wetlands P2 and P4 from 2003 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Orthorectified image from aerial photograph of wetlands P2 and P4 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. This image is part of a collection... -
Digital Orthorectified Aerial Image of Cottonwood Lake Study Area Wetland T3 from 1986 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Orthorectified image from aerial photograph of wetland T3 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. This image is part of a collection of... -
Processed Continuous Resistivity Profile Collected in the Neuse River, April 19, 2004 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Neuse River Estuary in North Carolina is a broad, V-shaped water body located on the southwestern end of Pamlico Sound. This estuary suffers from severe... -
Digital Orthorectified Aerial Image of Cottonwood Lake Study Area Wetland P11 from 2006 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Orthorectified image from aerial photograph of wetland P11 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. This image is part of a collection of... -
Digital Orthorectified Aerial Image of Cottonwood Lake Study Area Wetlands P1 and T3 from 2012 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Orthorectified image from aerial photograph of wetlands P1 and T3 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. This image is part of a collection... -
Digital Orthorectified Aerial Image of Cottonwood Lake Study Area Wetland T2 from 2015 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Orthorectified image from aerial photograph of wetland T2 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. This image is part of a collection of... -
Processed continuous resistivity profile data collected in Manhasset Bay on Long Island, New York on May 15, 2008 recent views
Department of the Interior —
An investigation of coastal groundwater systems was performed along the north shore of Long Island, New York during May 2008 to constrain nutrient delivery to...