Water level data from select wetlands at Saint Marks National Wildlife Refuge:2010 - 2015 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This USGS Data Release represents geospatial and tabular data for a study investigating linkages between local terrain and wetland hydroperiod. The data release was... -
Water level data from select depressional wetlands at Saint Marks National Wildlife Refuge: July 2010 - May 2019 (version. 2.0, August 2022) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This USGS Data Release represents geospatial and tabular data for a study investigating linkages between local terrain and wetland hydroperiod and was supported by... -
Location of select depressional wetlands at Saint Marks National Wildlife Refuge where water level monitoring was conducted: July 2010 - May 2019 (version. 2.0, August 2022) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains the approximate location of 59 wetlands that were monitored as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Amphibian Research and Monitoring... -
Seasonal median daily water depths for study wetlands in the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge, the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, the North Temperate Lakes Long-term Research area, and the Upper Mississippi River study area from 2008-2012. recent views
Department of the Interior —
To relate water levels in our study wetlands to temperature, precipitation, wetland water depth, and amphibian calling activity, we installed one pressure logger in... -
Wetland surface water dynamics in the channeled scablands of Washington State reconstructed from a time series of Landsat satellite imagery, 1983–2011 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Dataset provides point locations of wetlands in the channeled scablands of Washington State. It was created through object based image analysis of high resolution... -
Water level and water temperature data from select depressional wetlands at Saint Marks National Wildlife Refuge: July 2010 - May 2019 (Version 2.0, August 2022) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains records of water level and water temperature measurements from select wetlands at Saint Marks National Wildlife Refuge. These data were... -
Wetland surface water dynamics in the channeled scablands of Washington State reconstructed from a time series of Landsat satellite imagery, 1983–2011 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Dataset provides point locations of wetlands in the channeled scablands of Washington State. It was created through object based image analysis of high resolution...