Google My Business Profiles recent views
State of Iowa —
Number of State of Iowa Google My Business Profiles (office locations) -
Direction Actions from State of Iowa Google My Business Profiles recent views
State of Iowa —
The number of times during the month someone requested directions to State Offices from their Google My Business profiles. -
Website Actions from State of Iowa Google My Business Profiles recent views
State of Iowa —
The number of times during the month someone clicked through to the department or agency website from their Google My Business profile. -
Average Customer Rating on State of Iowa Google My Business Profiles recent views
State of Iowa —
Reports the average customer ratings for State of Iowa Google My Business profiles. -
State of Iowa Google My Business Profile Analytics by Month recent views
State of Iowa —
This dataset provides insights by month on how people find State of Iowa agency listings on the web via Google Search and Maps, and what they do once they find it to... -
Direct Searches for Iowa Offices recent views
State of Iowa —
The number of times during the month someone searched the name of a State of Iowa Office with a Google My Business profile using Google Search or while on Google Maps. -
Phone Call Actions from State of Iowa Google My Business Profiles recent views
State of Iowa —
The number of times during the month someone called State Offices from their Google My Business profiles.