Tonsina electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
The Tonsina electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data were acquired with a DIGHEMv Electromagnetic (EM) system and a CGG D1344 cesium magnetometer... -
Alaska Highway corridor electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
The Alaska Highway corridor electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey is located in interior Alaska along the Alaska Highway corridor, from Delta... -
Ground gravity geophysical survey of the Holitna basin area, Alaska, data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
Gravity data were acquired at 1,175 stations during the period April 13 to May 3, 1982 by EDCON, Inc. using a helicopter-borne inertial surveying system and LaCoste... -
Chulitna electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey recent views
State of Alaska —
This Chulitna electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey is located in interior Alaska in the Chulitna mining district, about 200 kilometers south of... -
Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey, Yukon Crossing, interior Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
The Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys managed the collections of magnetic and frequency domain electromagnetic data to increase geologic... -
Electromagnetic and magnetic airborne-geophysical survey of the Liberty Bell area, western Bonnifield mining district, Alaska (data compilation) recent views
State of Alaska —
The Liberty Bell geophysical survey was originally flown in 2001 and published in 2002 (Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys and others, 2002) as a... -
Ketchikan electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
The Ketchikan geophysical survey is located in southeast Alaska in the Ketchikan area, about 350 kilometers south of Juneau, Alaska. Frequency domain electromagnetic... -
Fairbanks electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
The Fairbanks electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey is located in interior Alaska in the Fairbanks mining district, which includes the city of... -
Salcha River-Pogo electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
This geophysical survey is located in interior Alaska in the Sacha River-Pogo mining area, about 100 kilometers east of Fairbanks. Frequency domain electromagnetic,... -
Southern Dishna River electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
The Southern Dishna River survey is one of several geophysical surveys, collectively known as the Five Spot project (Southern Dishna River, Beaver Creek, and Fox... -
Ladue electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
The Ladue electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey is located in eastern Alaska in the Fortymile mining district, about 325 kilometers southeast of... -
Alaska merged geophysical data grids recent views
State of Alaska —
Merged grids of residual magnetic intensity and apparent resistivity compiled from the Wrangellia, Iron Creek, Southern Delta River, Valdez Creek, and Nikolai... -
Alaska merged geophysical data grids recent views
State of Alaska —
Merged grids of residual magnetic intensity, digital terrain model, and apparent resistivity compiled from the Tok, Ladue, Slate Creek - Slana River, Alaska Highway... -
Alaska merged geophysical data grids recent views
State of Alaska —
Merged grids of residual magnetic intensity, digital terrain model, and apparent resistivity compiled from the Tanacross, Ladue, Western Fortymile, and Fortymile... -
Airborne magnetic geophysical survey of the Tanacross region, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Airborne geophysical data for the Tanacross area were acquired and processed by Goldak Airborne Surveys under contract with the State of Alaska, Department of Natural... -
Middle Styx electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
The Middle Styx geophysical survey is located about 150 kilometers northwest of Anchorage, Alaska in the upper South Fork of the Kuskokwim River drainage and south of... -
Farewell electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
The Farewell geophysical survey is located in the Alaska Range of southcentral Alaska in the Yentna and McGrath mining districts, about 150 kilometers northwest of... -
Fox Hills electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
The Fox Hills survey is one of several geophysical surveys, collectively known as the Five Spot project (Southern Dishna River, Beaver Creek, and Fox Hills surveys),... -
Northeast Fairbanks electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
The Northeast Fairbanks electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey is located in interior Alaska in the Fairbanks and Circle mining districts, about 60... -
Broad Pass electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation recent views
State of Alaska —
This Broad Pass electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey is located in interior Alaska in the Bonnifield mining district, about 160 kilometers south...