Cook County - Forest Preserve Boundaries recent views
City of Chicago —
Forest Preserve District of Cook County boundaries. To view or use these shapefiles, compression software and special GIS software, such as ESRI ArcGIS, is required. -
Cook County - Forest Preserve Shelters - KML recent views
City of Chicago —
KML file of shelters within the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. To view or use these files, special GIS software such as Google Earth is required. -
Forest Preserves Data Dictionary recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Data Dictionary for Forest Preserves data. -
Cook County - Forest Preserve Trails - KML recent views
City of Chicago —
KML file of trails within the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. To view or use these files, special GIS software such as Google Earth is required. -
Cook County - Forest Preserve Shelters recent views
City of Chicago —
Shelters within the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. To view or use these shapefiles, compression software and special GIS software, such as ESRI ArcGIS, is... -
Cook County - Forest Preserve Groves recent views
City of Chicago —
Groves within the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. To view or use these shapefiles, compression software and special GIS software, such as ESRI ArcGIS, is... -
Cook County - Forest Preserve Groves - KML recent views
City of Chicago —
KML file of groves within the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. To view or use these files, special GIS software such as Google Earth is required -
Cook County - Forest Preserves Trails recent views
City of Chicago —
Trails within the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. To view or use these shapefiles, compression software and special GIS software, such as ESRI ArcGIS, is... -
Cook County - Forest Preserve Boundaries - KML recent views
City of Chicago —
KML file of Forest Preserve District of Cook County boundaries. To view or use these files, special GIS software such as Google Earth is required -
Forest Preserves - Chicago recent views
City of Chicago —
Boundaries for Forest Preserve located in Chicago only, managed by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, http://www.fpdcc.com/. To view or use these files,... -
Forest Preserve Boundaries recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here. Lake County Forest Preserve boundaries. Attribute "Site" includes the individual forest preserve name.Update Frequency: This... -
Trail Centerlines recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here. This Trails theme is the result of a collaborative effort by the Lake County Division of Transportation, the Lake County... -
Natural Resources Data Dictionary recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
An in-depth description of the various Natural Resources GIS data layers outlining terms of use, update frequency, attribute explanations, and more. District data...