Evaluating Program Enhancements for Mentors Working with Children of Incarcerated Parents (COIP), United States, 2016-2020 recent views
Department of Justice —
The Children of Incarcerated Parents (COIP) Project was established as a means of evaluating mentorships between children whose parents are incarcerated and program... -
Longitudinal Study of Biosocial Factors Related to Crime and Delinquency, 1959-1962: [Pennsylvania] recent views
Department of Justice —
This study was designed to measure the effects of family background and developmental characteristics on school achievement and delinquency within a "high risk"... -
Social Bonds Across Immigration Generations and the Immigrant School Enclave: A Multilevel Longitudinal Study of Student Violence, School Disorder, and Dropping Out, United States, 2002 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they there received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Youth's Mental Health and Substance Needs and Services: Findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP), United States, 2003 recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they were received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP) 2003 [United States] recent views
Department of Justice —
The Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP) is the only national survey that gathers data directly from youth in the juvenile justice system. The Office of... -
The Impact of Juvenile Correctional Confinement on the Transition to Adulthood and Desistance from Crime, 1994-2008 [United States] recent views
Department of Justice —
These data are part of NACJD's Fast Track Release and are distributed as they were received from the data depositor. The files have been zipped by NACJD for release,... -
Screening of Youth at Risk for Delinquency in Oregon, 1980-1985 recent views
Department of Justice —
This is a longitudinal study of three birth cohorts of youngsters who were considered at risk because of anti-social behavior or because of officially recorded...