Amending America: Proposed Amendments to the United States Constitution, 1787 to 2014 recent views
National Archives and Records Administration —
This dataset provides information about more than 11,000 proposed Constitutional amendments introduced in the United States Congress from 1787 to 2014. This dataset... -
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Database-Complete-Raw recent views
General Services Administration —
The Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) database is used by Federal agencies to continuously manage an average of 1,000 advisory committees government-wide. This... -
State of Iowa Executive Branch Full Time Equivalents by Month and Department recent views
State of Iowa —
The dataset provides information on total full-time equivalents (FTE) for the State of Iowa - Executive Branch (including community based corrections), and those... -
State of Iowa Executive Branch Comp Time, Holiday & Overtime Hours by Pay Period recent views
State of Iowa —
This dataset includes hours of comp time earned, holiday earned and overtime paid for state employees within Executive Branch by pay period starting with the pay...