Collection Capital Punishment in the United States Series recent views
Department of Justice —
Investigator(s): Bureau of Justice Statistics These data collections provide annual data on prisoners under a sentence of death and on those whose offense sentences... -
Executions in the United States, 1608-2002: The ESPY File recent views
Department of Justice —
This collection furnishes data on executions performed under civil authority in the United States between 1608 and 2002. The dataset describes each individual... -
Executions in the United States, 1608-1991: The Espy File [Instructional Materials] recent views
Department of Justice —
These instructional materials were prepared for use with EXECUTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1608-1991: THE ESPY FILE (ICPSR 8451), compiled by M. Watt Espy and John... -
Executions in the United States, 1608-1940: The ESPY File -- Summary Data of Executions Collected by M. Watt Espy Between 1986 and 1996 recent views
Department of Justice —
This collection consists of four summary variables based on new data collected by M. Watt Espy between 1986 and 1996 after he corrected and updated the data in 1992.... -
Multistate Analysis of Time Consumption in Capital Appeals, 1992-2002 recent views
Department of Justice —
Despite public controversy over the length of death penalty appeals, little empirical work has been done on the time allocated to the capital appeals process. The...