North American Bird Banding Program Dataset 1960-2023 retrieved 2023-07-12 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The North American Bird Banding Program is administered through the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL), Eastern Ecological Science Center at... -
USGS Spectral Library Version 7 Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release provides the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Spectral Library Version 7 and all related documents. The library contains spectra measured with... -
Generalized Geology of Europe including Turkey (geo4_2l) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This coverage includes arcs, polygons, and polygon labels that describe the generalized geologic age of surface outcrops of bedrock of Europe including Turkey... -
Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation (GLOBE) v.1 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
GLOBE is a project to develop the best available 30-arc-second (nominally 1 kilometer) global digital elevation data set. This version of GLOBE contains data from 11... -
Trade Codes Related to the Lithium-Ion Battery Supply Chain for the United States, the European Union, and the People's Republic of China recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset presents information concerning 8- and 10-digit trade codes related to the rechargeable lithium-ion battery (LIB) supply chain for the People's Republic... -
North American Bird Banding Program Dataset 1960-2022 retrieved 2022-07-14 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The North American Bird Banding Program is directed in the United States by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL), Eastern Ecological... -
ASCIIdata Spectra in ASCII text files, including separate files with wavelength and bandpass (FWHM) values recent views
Department of the Interior —
ASCIIdata Files containing spectral data in ASCII text format: - measured spectra (ASCIIdata_splib07a.zip), including wavelength positions and bandpass (Full-Width at... -
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Power et al. 2008 Global Charcoal Database recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for... -
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Global Lake-Level Variations from 18,000 to 0 Years Ago: A Paleoclimatic Analysis recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for... -
November 1952 Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia Images recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The tsunami was generated by a magnitude 9.0 (Mw) earthquake on Kamchatka where it caused severe damage. The tsunami then struck Midway (3,000 kilometers away), the... -
Daily and Sub-daily Precipitation for the Former USSR recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This dataset is a compilation of in situ daily and hourly meteorological observations for the former USSR initially obtained within the framework of several joint... -
Global Synoptic Climatology Network (GSCN) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Dataset DSI-9290 is the result of a joint effort to create a Global Synoptic Climatology Network among the Meteorological Service of Canada (Downsview, Ontario and... -
Geologic provinces of Europe including Turkey, 2000 (prv4_2l) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This coverage includes arcs, polygons and polygon labels that describe U.S. Geological Survey defined geologic provinces of Europe including Turkey. (Albania,... -
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Briongos - Pinar Viejo San Clemente Cuenca - PIPN - ITRDB SPAI056 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for... -
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Fonti - San Bernardino - LADE - ITRDB SWIT331 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for... -
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Fischer - Nordrhein-Westfalen/Pleiser Hügelland drb38 - PCAB - ITRDB GERM172 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for... -
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Hartl - Nationalpark Kalkalpen, Rettenbachtal - ABAL - ITRDB AUT137 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for... -
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Hughes - Allayka - LAGM - ITRDB RUSS188 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for... -
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Arnold - Ledston Hall - QUSP - ITRDB BRIT087 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for... -
NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Schweingruber - Khadutte River - LASI - ITRDB RUSS092 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This archived Paleoclimatology Study is available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), under the World Data Service (WDS) for...