NYC Street Centerline (CSCL) (Deprecated) recent views
City of New York —
This map will be deprecated in January. For the latest data please refer to https://data.cityofnewyork.us/d/3mf9-qshr The NYC Street Centerline (CSCL) is a road-bed... -
Points of Interest recent views
City of New York —
The Points Of Interest points are a compilation of what the different city agencies consider to be a Common Place or Place/Point of Interest. Previously posted... -
SIDEWALK_LINE recent views
City of New York —
Please see the following link for additional documentation- https://github.com/CityOfNewYork/nyc-planimetrics/blob/master/Capture_Rules.md. -
3-D Building Model recent views
City of New York —
This three-dimensional (3-D) building massing model of New York City is one of the many digital tools provided by the Office of Technology and Innovation. There are... -
NYC Planimetric Database: Curbs recent views
City of New York —
All curbs between roadbed pavement and other surfaces (i.e., within the street right-of-way) were captured. Please see the following link for additional... -
NYC Address Points (Deprecated) recent views
City of New York —
This map will be deprecated in January. For the latest map, please refer to https://data.cityofnewyork.us/d/6xyb-j5pk Previously posted versions of the data are...