Topographic Lidar Survey of the Alabama, Mississippi, and Southeast Louisiana Barrier Islands, from September 5 to October 11, 2012 -- Classified Point Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
This Data Series Report contains lidar elevation data collected September 5 to October 11, 2012, for the barrier islands of Alabama, Mississippi and southeast... -
Topographic Lidar Survey of the Alabama, Mississippi, and Southeast Louisiana Barrier Islands, from September 5 to October 11, 2012 -- Bare Earth Digital Elevation Models recent views
Department of the Interior —
A topographic lidar survey was conducted from September 5 to October 11, 2012, for the barrier islands of Alabama, Mississippi and southeast Louisiana, including the... -
BITH2014_NBJGBUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Neches Bottom and Jack Lore Baygall Unit, Texas, 2014 recent views
Department of the Interior —
A first-surface topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Neches Bottom and Jack Lore Baygall Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was... -
EAARL Coastal Topography--Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama September 2006: Last Return recent views
Department of the Interior —
ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation... -
Single-Beam XYZ Point Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in May 2015 from Fire Island, New York, from the Wilderness Breach and Shoreface recent views
Department of the Interior —
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island,... -
Sedimentary Data from the Coastal Marshes Fringing the Lower Waccasassa River, Northwest Florida recent views
Department of the Interior —
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center extracted sediment and surface samples along transects at three... -
Seafloor Elevation Change From 2017 to 2018 at a Subsection of Crocker Reef, Florida Keys-Impacts from Hurricane Irma recent views
Department of the Interior —
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted research to quantify bathymetric changes at a subsection of Crocker Reef... -
Wilderness Breach Bathymetry Data Collected in June 2014 from Fire Island, New York: 25-Meter Digital Elevation Model recent views
Department of the Interior —
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, collected bathymetric data along the upper... -
FIIS2002_EAARLA_BE_z18_n88g99_mosaic_metadata: Lidar-Derived Bare-Earth Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for EAARL Coastal Topography—Fire Island, New York, 2002 recent views
Department of the Interior —
A digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic for Fire Island, New York, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected... -
DS888_PRSF_tile_extents: EAARL-B Coastal Topography—Fire Island, New York, pre-Hurricane Sandy, 2012: Seamless (Bare Earth and Submerged) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This shapefile was produced from 53 2-kilometer by 2-kilometer tile extents of remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S.... -
ASIS2005_EAARLA_BE_z18_n88g12B_metadata: EAARL Coastal Topography--Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia, 2005: Bare Earth recent views
Department of the Interior —
ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements acquired cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey... -
ds765_General_metadata: Coastal Topography--Northeast Atlantic Coast, Post-Hurricane Sandy, 2012 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Derived products of a portion of the New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina coastlines, post-Hurricane Sandy (Sandy was an October 2012 hurricane... -
BITH2014_LowerNechesRiverCorridorUnit_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Lower Neches River Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014 recent views
Department of the Interior —
A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Lower Neches River Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from... -
KEYS2016_SM_z17_n88g12B_classified_metadata: Coastal Topography-Upper Florida Keys Reef Tract, Florida, 26-30 June 2016 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Binary point-cloud data were produced for a portion of the upper Florida Keys reef tract, Florida, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation... -
ASIS2003_EAARLA_BE_z18_n88g99_metadata: EAARL Coastal Topography--Northern Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia, 2003: Bare Earth recent views
Department of the Interior —
ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements acquired cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey... -
BITH2014_BigSandyCreekCorridorUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Big Sandy Creek Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014 recent views
Department of the Interior —
A first-surface topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Big Sandy Creek Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from... -
ASIS2003_EAARLA_BE_z18_n88g99_mosaic_metadata: EAARL Coastal Topography--Northern Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia, 2003: Bare Earth recent views
Department of the Interior —
A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the northern half of Assateague Island National Seashore was produced from remotely sensed,... -
ASIS2005_EAARLA_BE_z18_n88g12B_mosaic_metadata: EAARL Coastal Topography--Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia, 2005: Bare Earth recent views
Department of the Interior —
A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Assateague Island National Seashore was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced... -
Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November, 9 2017) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at... -
Single-Beam XYZ Point Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in June 2014 from Fire Island, New York from the Shoreface recent views
Department of the Interior —
Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, collected bathymetric data along the upper...