Atlantic NAD 83 Continental Shelf Boundary (CSB) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set contains Continental Shelf Boundary (CSB) lines in ESRI shapefile format for the BOEM Atlantic Region. The CSB defines the seaward limit of federally... -
Continental Shelf Boundary - Gulf of Mexico Region NGDA recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set contains Continental Shelf Boundary (CSB) lines for the BOEM Gulf of Mexico Region. The CSB defines the seaward limit of federally managed OCS lands.... -
Continental Shelf Boundary - Alaska NAD83 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set contains Continental Shelf Boundaries (CSB) lines in ESRI shapefile format for the BOEM Alaska Region. The CSB defines the seaward limit of federally... -
Digital Offshore Cadastre (DOC) - Pacific NAD83 Â Continental Shelf Boundaries recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set contains Continental Shelf Boundary (CSB) lines in ESRI Arc/Info export and Arc/View shape file formats for the BOEM Pacific Region. The CSB defines the...