Housing & Community Investment Service Locations recent views
City of Los Angeles —
Locations of offices associated with the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department which provide services to city residents. -
Community Planning and Development (CPD) Maps System recent views
Department of Housing and Urban Development —
CPD Maps includes data on the locations of existing CDBG, HOME, public housing and other HUD-funded community assets, so that users can view past investments... -
VETS-401 - Jobs for Veterans State Grants Budget Information Summary recent views
Department of Labor —
States initially use the Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) Budget Information Summary form when applying for the formula level of funds available for the Disabled... -
VETS-402 - Jobs for Veterans State Grants Expenditure Detail Report (EDR) recent views
Department of Labor —
"Use the Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) EDR to report obligation, expenditure, and staffing information for each grant award. The U.S. Department of Labor,...